The Virtue of Zero

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"Example, whether it be good or bad, has a powerful influence," - George Washington

Third Person POV

The pavement shook in Saitama Ghetto as people sprinted as fast as they could. Citizens ran for the underground subway. A squadron of four JSDF soldiers, now called the Japan Liberation Front, assisted in handling the emergency. Their orders from Lieutenant Colonel Kyoshiro Tohdoh- "Help the civvies in Saitama Ghetto evac and get your asses out of their as fast as possible. I have reason enough to believe that the Britannians will want to turn Saitama Ghetto into what remains of Shinjuku Ghetto. Understood?" Tohdoh barked.

Easier said than done. Leave evacuating millions of people up to four J.L.F recruits. That is just a small understatement of how low on resources the J.L.F is, but the evacuation was quicker than the squad of soldiers anticipated. The word spread quickly and many Japanese citizens were already prepared for a Britannian cleansing operation. And so, as the last few civvies made it into the underground subway, the soldiers made "small" talk.

"Hey did you hear about what happened in the Tokyo Settlement?"

"What? What happened?"

"The man they accused of killing the Viceroy, Suzaku Kururugi, a Private in the Britannian military, was rescued!" One soldier exclaimed.

"Okay? I get that Kururugi is a hero to us and all, but why is that so exciting?"

"You mean you haven't heard of him?"

"Stop being so vague! Him? Him, who?"

"Zero! Ya know?"

"No, I don't know! I have no idea what you are talking about. Who is Zero?"

"They say he is a masked terrorist who managed to single handedly rescue Kururugi. Apparently, he's on our side."

"Seriously? Sounds like something Colonel Tohdoh could do. He would never want to leave any man behind."

Before they could continue there conversation, several rapid footsteps came from behind the stairs that lead to the subway. It was Kallen Kozuki. She stopped at corner of a nearby building. The soldiers all raised there guns.

"Who's there? Come out and show yourself!" Yelled the squad leader.

"It's okay! I'm Japanese!" Kallen said, slowly walking into view with her hands up.

"Are you really? How do we know we can trust you?" Another soldier asked.

"Because Zero sent me here," Kallen stated.

That made the soldiers freeze up.

After several seconds, one soldier spoke up.

"To think that you would talk about Zero right after we were discussing him gives me the creeps."

"Please, come with me. Zero said that we need as many people to join us as possible. Right now, he is the only person my friends and I can trust to be our leader," Kallen said.

"For all we know, you could be a Britannian spy who is trying to lead us into a trap. Why should we trust you?" One J.L.F member asked.

"Onegaishimasu!" Kallen pleaded.

It is easy to differentiate what she just said compared to everything else spoken before. She speaks Japanese. To not follow through with Tohdoh's orders could mean death, but they can't simply abandon a fellow countrywoman when in need of help.

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