Rip And Tear

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"I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion," - Muhammad Ali.

Tuesday, June 26th, 2018 a.t.b

Lelouch woke up with most of his strength replenished. After stretching and brushing his teeth, Lelouch asked the doctor for a change of clothes. Jeremiah also dropped in for a quick visit before leaving for Horai Island.

"Here. Your girlfriend left this for you," The doctor said, handing him his brown leather jacket and black pants.

After changing, Lelouch headed out to find Akito. It was snowing flurries. While aimlessly wandering around, Lelouch crossed paths with Ashley Ashra.

"Excuse me. Can you tell me where I can find Akito?" Lelouch asked.

"Huh? You need Lieutenant Hyuga? He's in the barracks," Said Ashley, pointing towards a building that looks a bit like a warehouse.


Lelouch ran there. For some reason, he expected it to be filled with soldiers drinking vodka and blasting some sort of depressing music. Instead, he ran into the W-0 unit. They were playing a card game called War. Akito was sitting on a sofa, doing dumbbell curls with a 35 pounder.

"I win again!" Yukiya exclaimed.

Lelouch just observed them play. "What are the rules of the game?"

"Huh?" Ryou said. "Well, it's a game of luck. Whoever draws the highest card wins what everyone puts down. Whoever ends with the most cards in the end is the winner. You're the new guy, right? You want to join us?"

"No, thanks. I was just looking for Akito."

. . . . . . .

"So, you want me to train you?" Akito said. They stepped out of the barracks.


Akito sighed, walking towards the gymnasium. "Well, where do you want to start?"

"How about we spar with wooden swords?"


The gym was also pretty big. The entire ground was made of soft mats with hardwood underneath. In the far left corner of the room was all of the weight lifting equipment. To the right were all kinds of weapons; firearms, which Lelouch has mastered, but also wooden swords and real swords. Akito got out his phone and started playing some music to get them fired up, blasting 'Hells Bells' by AC/DC over the speakers that hung on the gym ceiling through Bluetooth. They both started stretching and warming up for a few minutes. The two of them then grabbed a wooden sword.

"How do you want to do this?" Lelouch inquired.

"Well, first to disarm the other person wins."

"Fair enough. Let's fight!"

Determined, Lelouch charged at Akito with a leftward blow. Akito dodged it by cartwheeling over Lelouch. Turning around, Akito quickly stabbed straight towards Lelouch's ribs. Lelouch ducked and attacked upwards, colliding his own sword with Akito's, dangerously close to the others hilt. Akito was surprised to see how close Lelouch got. Lelouch turned around and ran, parrying Akito. Akito chased him with much more speed than Lelouch was hoping for. Lelouch turned around just in time to block a powerful swipe from Akito, who immediately jumped over him and roundhouse kicked him as soon as he landed. Lelouch flew back a few feet. Akito ran towards him and swung twice, disarming him. Akito was only going at about 70 % instead of trying his best, but he was still surprised to find that Lelouch was able to hold his own for a full minute against him.

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