Down With The Sickness

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"Hard work betrays none, but dreams betray many. Working hard alone doesn't assure you that you'll achieve your dreams. Actually, there are more cases where you don't. Even so, working hard and achieving something is some consolation at least," - Hachiman Hikigaya from OreGairu.

That night in the dining room of the Student Council club house, Lelouch, C.C, Suzaku, Akito, and Jeremiah all sat at the table. Sayoko began handing out some tea she made for Jeremiah and Lelouch. Nunnally already went to sleep, so Lelouch didn't have to worry about someone saying something that he wouldn't want her to hear.

"Master Lelouch, where do we keep C.C and the baby safe with all of the blood shed happening?" Jeremiah asked.

"I arranged a safe place in the Chinese Federation that they gave to the Black Knights," Lelouch said, pausing to take a sip of his tea. "It's a place called Horai Island. Right as we speak, the Black Knights are constructing a medical bay there, as per my orders. By late June, we need to move C.C there to be ready in case she goes into labor within her last two months. They'll be done with the construction by then."

"I see. But what happens after the baby is born? There needs to be a safer place to hide your child," Suzaku said.

Using his knowledge on politics, Akito thought of something. "How about Australia? That country has never been involved in any of Britannias fighting, plus, they must have a very powerful military. After all, there must be a reason why Britannia, the most ruthless and arrogantly patriotic nation on Earth, hasn't invaded Australia, which is filled with all kinds of natural resources."

"Very well," Sayoko said. "Jeremiah and I will find a farm to buy and live on. There, we'll raise your baby."

"Hold on. What about C.C and Nunnally?" Lelouch asked. "They still need someone to protect them, too!"

"It's okay, Lelouch," Said C.C. "I can't think of a safer place for me than to be next to the man I love. You need me just as much as I need you. We'll both be safe."

"As for Nunnally, I'll protect her," Suzaku stated.

"Alright!" Jeremiah said. "That settles it. Suzaku and Akito should go home. I'll stay on guard duty for the next several months to protect everyone here in case Rolo shows up; my Geass Canceler along with my cyborg body makes me indestructible. Someone of his size will be easy to handle."

Their meeting was adjourned. Lelouch and C.C went to their bedroom to sleep.

Cuddling into his chest, C.C pulled the blanket over them. "So, have you thought of any names for the baby?"

Lelouch nodded. "Yes, I have."

"Boy names or girl names?"

"Girl names."

C.C tilted her head up so that she could stare into his eyes. "Lelouch, why do you want the baby to be a girl so badly? Is it because of your father?"

"Yes. Boys are mean and stupid. Girls may be annoying, but most of them are sweet when raised properly."

"You know what I think, Lelouch? I think that you are scared that if the baby is a boy, he'll turn out to be like you or your father. You have too many daddy issues."

Lelouch simply chuckled.

"What names have you thought of so far?"

Lelouch smirked. "I can't tell you. It's a secret."

"What?!" C.C exclaimed. "Why not?!"

"Because... Whenever I express my desires to other people, the opposite usually happens; I wanted Nunnally to be able to walk again and see my other siblings smiling for her, but we were kicked out of our own country in the middle of a war without explanation."

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