Chapter 13(part 2)

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Raven prov: we arrive at the carnival around 7:30 .. There were lights, games, rides and pet zoo and clowns .. I hate clowns but wteves .. Us girls stayed in one spot waiting for the boys to come back with our tickets and stuff.. I looked at Molly who's actually a cool person .. We got to know each other better durning the car ride ... I could see she was looking around impatient... She may be 14 but she's still a kid at heart .. To be fairly honest she could pass for a 16 year old with the way she dresses and how she dose her make up she looked beautiful and you could see guys drooling over her .. I turned around to see the boys walking up and as usual Seth is pissed I look at Ruiz .............." what happened?"
Ruiz: " that guy over there was hitting on Nathan , Nathan didn't realize it till the last second and Seth walked away pissed ..."u
Raven: " oh I see .. good job Nathan seths going to ignore you for 5 hours give or take "
Nathan: what! No it wasn't my fault .. I didn't know.. what can I do Raven I and my wolf don't like him being upset pleas"
Raven: " alright calm down look just go to explain and shower him in kisses..he might not show it but he's the cheese romance type of guy and likes attention"
Nathan:" really ?.. alright that's easy .. thanks rav.."
Raven:" no problem nath "
Ruiz:" he's also the cheese romance type that's why it's going to be easy haha"
Raven: " oh I see haha cute... come let's go ... we'll meat up with you guys later"
We all split up Shane and Lorena went south, Nathan and a very angry seth went north and Molly went east she wanted to go alone at first Ruiz said no but she gave him a very persuasive argument and Ruiz just let her go and he an I went west ... we all decide to meet up at the food area around 10:30.

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