Chapter 14

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A picture of Cole above..
Cole pov:
I picked up my mate from the ground and fallowed my new pack home .. Molly .. my mate .. I never knew I'd fine my mate.. but what do I do when she finds out I'm a hybrid .. I know I said I wasn't but I was.. I didn't want alpha to rip my head off right then and there...but I have to tell them soon before its to late....
Ruiz: " Cole take Molly to her room .. it's up the stairs to your right down the hall last door on your left..
Cole: yes alpha
I followed his instructions and went in side her room and well this is not what I expected it was as girl it was more leaning to the tomboyish side.. it was cute walls and currents were black , her bed was dark purple and black she had white carpet and a huge walk in closet and bathroom.. she had a tv and a mine couch in front of it.. it looked like her own personal apartment.. I set her on the bed and walked to her bathroom to wash up... I hope she doesn't  reject me because im rouge... please moon goddess don't let her reject me ..
Molly pov:
I woke up with a huge headache and ran to the bathroom only to hit a hard object .. I felt sparks and opened my eyes to see a boy in front of me .. he was super hot , brown hair and perfect chocolate brown eyes  , his jaw line was to die for and his chest was wet a bit and he was fairly tanned.. I realized I was staring to much and looked away before he could see me blush.." what ? Who are you.. and what are you doing in my room?" I turned to look at him smirk and walk past me then he spoke and his voice made me melt right then and there
Cole:" names Cole and your my mate.. and um I'm a rouge"
He looked at me when he said the last part with fear and sadness in his eyes.. I looked at him shocked.. my mate?... rouge?... when did this happen? " how ? When? And then I remembered everything from the fight to him jumping me and saying mine.. I looked at him and smiled .. I ran in to his arms and hugged him " mine .. your all mine .. Cole"
Cole:" yes my love I am"
Molly:" Cole why do u smell .. err um not to be rude but u smell like bananas and death .. why?
Cole: haha figured .. Molly I'm a hybrid half wolf and half vampire I was born this way... your brother doesn't  know ..
Molly: we have to tell him babe .. he doesn't like secrets..
Cole: alright let's tell him then... but what if he try's to kill me Molly?"
Molly: he won't.. I won't let him babe.. promise.
Cole: alright let me change and we can go."
Yikes what will Ruiz do when he finds out Cole lied and is actually a hybrid.. what's the rouges plan of attack ... and what happens on the full moon , the night Raven becomes her beast self...
Stay tuned to find out
Xoxo ✌🏽️

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