Ch. 5 ~ Hypocrite

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~Danielle's POV~

The last few days have been the longest of my life. For starters Des has been giving me living hell. Mica has been M.I.A. and bills are due. I've always been uncomfortable begging for money from my parents or anyone of that matter because I hate feeling needy or dependent. But this time around, I was in need. For the first time in years I dialed my parents. It seems so unlikely that I haven't talked to them since my wedding day of junior year in college. Now I'm here feeding off the palms of their hands.

But I had a good reason to avoid them. All of my life they pushed me to the limits. They basically lived their dreams through me. Since I was an only child, they expected so much of me. They wanted me to be so much more better than the other children of wealthy families.

I had no word or choice in my life until Mica came along. Whenever I was in need, they would disgrace me, call me all sort of names and compare me to the help. They were both so boogie I prayed as a child to never manifest that type of virtue. I used to dream I was a regular kid with middle class parents who didn't live off the failure of others and the greed of money. Who does that to there child? But that's what money does to you. But here I was. I picked up the house phone hesitantly hoping Mica would come through those doors and comfort me.

But he didn't. I typed in the number I was so foreign to yet I remembered like the back of my hand. I didn't even notice it but I had been tearing up. I bowed my head as a tear dropped landing onto the counter......Ring......Another tear rolled down my cheek.........Ring....... My face was drenched........Ring.......

Then the ringing stopped. I heard the breathing of someone on the other end. "Hello," It spoke. I didn't answer," Who's there?"

"Um, Danielle." I said sighing through the phone. What was I thinking? This would never work. They wouldn't spare a dime with their boogie asses."Danielle!" The voice screeched, I pulled my phone back a few inches.

"Mom?" I asked nervously."Yes, dear. How are you? I know how lavish you must be living right now! How's Mica? Oh he is so handsome. Can't believe we haven't spoken since your junior year of college! When are you visiting? I heard you gave birth to two healthy children. What's their names, Addy? Amber?" She cooed.

"Aubrei and Ivy, mom. And yes we are living pretty lavish. But mom-

I was abruptly cut off, "Oh Lord, why haven't you spoken to us in so long. I bet the girls are potty trained by now. Did you know your nanny passed recently? Do you realize how much we've missed you!? So you think since you've married a rich man that you can just blow off your family! I've taught you better than that. Blood is thicker than water. How ignorant can you be?" She went on.

I forgot the other ego of my mother. The one that always put me down despite the fact that I did nothing wrong. "MOM! I-I-I'm broke..."I cried into the phone," Mica... he's just... I don't even know. But bills are due this week and I'm empty handed. If anything can you please just spare a dime? Please." I begged.

Silence dug into our conversation giving me the feeling she wasn't going to help. Then finally she spoke, bitterly and disappointed. "How much do you need?"

////////////////////////Later On

Mica finally came home after being M.I.A for three days. I have no clue where he went to but I was about to figure out. I heard the keys of the door chime and I walked down the foyer to see who it was. Mica opened the door and with one hand he carried a duffle bag.

He stared me deep in the eyes. My eyes burned through his. I expected a long story of why he hadn't made it home since the last three days but what he did next caught me off guard. He just walked past me! I didn't even turn to look at him, just stood there with my mouth wide open in disbelief.

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