Chapter 4

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We all walked up to the highest cliff. I looked over the cliff and dropped a pebble into the water.

"Scared?" Jared comes up from behind me trying to scare me and I didn't even flinsh the teeniest bit.

"Nope, not one bit" I say. I unbutton my shorts and pull them down. I then pull off my shirt while the boys are taking off theirs.

"Who's going first?" Paul asks.

"Me you pansies" I yell as I run forward doing to round offs and a flip off the cliff and diving perfectly into the water. Adavntages of not being "normal" not being "human" I am very flexible like a vampire, except I am not one don't ever try and put me in that category. I am much faster, sometimes stronger and do not need to drink blood to survive.

I rise above water and see someone coming down "Wow can't believe you did that Lyss!" Jake shouts above the roaring water. I smile.

"There's a lot you don't know about me Jacob" I say and start to swim back to the beach. I want to so badly use my speed to get there faster, but I can't because of Jake. We get to the beach about the same time.
"Woah you swim fast" He jokes and I smile and we start back up to the cliff.

We ended up being the first back up because all the other boys jump off the cliff shortly after us.

Once we are all up there Paul is the first to talk “So cutie, how are you so athletic?” I hear a low growl and smile knowing it’s coming from Seth.

“First off, don’t call me cutie you’re with my cousin Rachel and unless you want me to tell her I suggest you stop flirting with me. Secondly, I did gymnastics when I was younger” I say with a smile and Paul rolls his eyes and we laugh. I go next to Seth.

“So Seth, you want to go take a walk?” I ask him with a flirty smile knowing I was going to make him nervous

“Uh yeah sure I’d love to well yeah you know um let’s go where-“ He keeps babbling on.

“Seth, just shut up and let’s go” I tell him as I grab his hand and we walk off. I am still just in my bikini I have never been self-conscious about my body so to me it’s no big deal. We find a couple of rocks big enough to sit on.

“So” He says and I laugh and shake my head.

“What?” He asks completely puzzled.

“It’s just you. I make you so nervous like it’s so adorable” I said and he looks down while blushing as I smile. I grab his hand which was shaking slightly and I start to swing it back and forth and he just smiles.

"Let's play the honest game, yeah?" I suggest

"Sure. How does it worK?" He asks

"Basically, we either have to spill a secret to each other or ask each other a question and we have to answer honestly"

"Okay, you can go first" He tells me and I nod.

"How many girlfriends have you ever had?" I ask hoping the answer isn't more than one.

"None actually. How many boyfriends have you had?" He asks

"One. It was a year long relationship that began to get dysfunctional which is why it ended." I clear my throat "Do you remember when we used to make mud pies together?"

"Yeah, I don't know if I want to hear this" He says and I chuckle

"Well one time I filled one of yours with dog poop" I say with a smirk.

"Seriously? Oh my gosh not even cool! Why?" He asks

Might as well tell him the truth "Well remember that day we were about 9 years old and Vivian came over to play with us because you invited her over?"

"Yeahhhh" He replies slowly

"Well that day you we were making mud pies together and well all your attention was going to her making sure her mud pie was perfect so I got jealous and mad and put poop in your pie" I tell him with a laugh.

"Ohh gosh" He tells me and palms himself on the forehead "Why'd you get mad?"

"I liked you at the time. I always liked you since we were about 4 or 5 I liked you, but we were kids back then so of course I wasn't going to say anything."

He starts to chuckle "What?" I ask

"You dork, I liked you back then too!" He says and punchs my arm something we did as kids and I laugh.

"Ohh gosh. Well I guess now we both have what we have always wanted well at least what I have always secretly wanted" I say while getting up and walking towards him looking down at him since he's still sitting on the rock.

"Ohh yeah" He starts while he gets up "And what is that?" He says while grabbing me and pulling me close to him

"You" I whisper and we start to close the gap.

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