Chapter 23

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Seth's POV

It is midnight I am incapable of sleeping for some odd reason. I throw the sheet off of me and roll out of bed. I open my window and jump out I want to go see my wonderful girlfriend. I quietly walk over to her house in a hurry and I go to her and I start to climb the tree. That's when I hear singing I don't recognize the voice, but I've realized it must be her; she has a gorgeous voice. Why doesn't she ever sing for us? I climb a bit higher, but then I slip and scrap my knee against the bark. I groan a bit in pain and that's when I hear the front door creek open.

"Crap" I mutter knowing I am caught, but hoping for my sake it is her. But of course not because things don't work out in my favor.

"Seth" I hear a male voice recognizing it instantly as Jacob. I slowly turn to look at him and smile nervously

"Hey Jake, just felt like climbing trees ya know." I say trying to play off, but knowing he doesn't believe me.

"Get down" He tells me. I slowly get down and that's when I hear Travis

"What's going on?" He asks walking out and seeing me.

"Old school romantic?" He asks raising his eyebrow and I shrug my shoulder

"Sorry." I mutter. I look down and the three of us say nothing that's when I hear the door open AGAIN

"Gosh damn how many people are gonna come out?" I slightly shout

The person scoffs "Geez. Sorry you felt that way" They say teasingly and come into view. It is the one and only Alyssa Marie my girlfriend

"You're an idiot. You're a werewolf not invincible, dumbass. Now go home" She says, but before I turn to leave she pecks my cheek.

"Talk to you in the morning" I hear her say distantly since I am already a little bit away.


When I write, I tend to wear my wig because it gets me more into the writing mood. I don't know I'm weird, okay? As I am busy playing my piano and singing I hear something, instantly I duck I can't risk anyone seeing me in my wig or even hearing me singing honestly they can't.

"Jake" I shout and hear Jacob's feet run down the hall. He throws the door open seeing me on the floor

"What happened?" He asks quickly and I explain to him what I heard. He runs downstairs and goes outside seconds later Travis follows after hearing all the commotion. I look out my window and see Seth

"Idiot." I mutter and walk outside to go talk to him.

"Going back to my room" I shout walking upstairs. I sit back down on my bed and continue to finish the song I was writing. I look back at the clock and read that it is almost 3. I sigh and decide to put my writing spiral away since I should probably get some sleep.

First I toss and turn to find a good position to sleep in and once I do then it is a piece of cake to fall asleep, but boy do I regret it.

I am back in my house in California, my parents are there so is my sister and my brother and then there's me. I look around completely confused and frazzled. That's when I see us all rushing out the door. We all get into the car and speed away.

I see us passing cars everywhere; we come to an abrupt stop and then my sister and brother get out of the car. They get into another car that my cousin Jordan is driving I stay in with my parents. We both drive off us going in different directions

"Mommy where are we going?" I asked she turns to look at me and suddenly it is not my mother anymore it is Veronika I look at my father and don't see my father any longer either it is a man someone I have never seen.

"Alyssa!" I hear someone scream I look and see my cousin Sonyah tears rushing down her face

"You killed me" She mouths. I started to scream wanting to get out of the car. I opened the door and ran out of the car as fast as I can. I run into the woods tripping over a branch and scraping my knee as I do, but I get up as fast as possible and continue to run. I run to the next highway in front of an oncoming car barely missing it. The car comes to a stop and I see my brother, sister and Jordan get out of the car

"Alyssa" My brother says and I start to cry running to him. I hug him and he hugs me back. We get into the car and drive a little ways before stopping the car and getting out. We walk a few meters before seeing two bodies my parents

"Look what you've done Alyssa. You killed them" My sister yelled at me

I began to shake my head "I-I'm sorry"

"Sorry doesn't mean crap. We hate you" Travis spits in my face.

That's when I am shaken awake

"Alyssa" I hear a voice say and I open my eyes to see a blurry figure, my brother. I sob into his chest.

"It was all my fault, Travie. Mom, dad, Sami and even Sonyah" I cry into his chest.

"Lyss, what are you talking about?" He asks pulling me away from him enough so he could see my face

"They died and it's all my fault. I bet you all hate me" I whisper still letting tears continue to fall

"Alyssa, it is not your fault. You were born this way and we all vowed to protect you. Mom and Dad didn't make any of us protect you they told us you would need protection and would like for us to protect you, but they understood if we wanted to keep our distance from the supernatural world. Sami was the first one to jump in literally like not even a second after they said that she said would. I took a couple days and so did Sonyah, but we came around because we wanted to not because we had to."

I don't say anything because I never completely knew the back story. I had always assumed my parents made them all protect me whether they wanted to or not. So to be able to hear that my siblings and cousin willingly said yes to protecting me. It gave me a sense a hope and happiness and warmth within me even though I just had the scariest nightmare I can probably ever imagine.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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