Back on the rez (Chapter 2)

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The plane ride was okay I guess. I mean there wasn't much to do but listen to my iPad and play my apps on it. I did that for about an hour and slept the other 3 it's about a 4 hour plane ride from L.A to Forks, where I flew into. I arrived at the airport I cringed thinking I was going to be engulfed by groups and screams of fnas, but I forgot I came here Alyssa Crystal-Marie Black, not the famous superstar Alyssa-Marie. A smiled formed on my lips because I felt at peace because before that day I could barely remember how it felt to get off a plane without getting harrassed by anyone. I looked around and went to luggage area and got my other two suit cases. I attached the set. They were Louis Vuitton they were tan and had his symbol all over in dark brown. I searched around for a familiar face when I saw a boy holding a sign that said Alyssa Black. The last time I had been in Forks was when I was smaller I was about 8 or 9. I don't remember much because after that my whole life basically started to fast track itself. I became and kid actress and shortly after that started a singing career and left the kid actress part behind and now am a full time singer. I walked up to the boy who was looking around and didn't see me approach. He was tall probably a little over 6 feet, he was tan like everyone from the rez, broad shouldered and is very muscular. I poke him in the rib cage and he jumps bag as I laugh.

"Looking for me?" I ask

"Alyssa?" He asks

"In the flesh" I say while doing a twirl.

"You look different, but a good different" He says and I laugh

"Thanks, I know last time you saw me I was like not even 4 feet tall. I also had crooked teeth and well I had short brown hair" I say and he laughs.

"You remember me?" He asks surprised that I did

"Yeah of course. You are one of my favorite cousins Jakey, but last time I saw you; you were as small as me and not so muscular" I giggle and he chuckles

"Yeah, I guess we've both grown a lot from the last time we saw each other about what 8 years ago"

"Yeah something like that. So let's get going?" I ask him and he nodds.

"Let me help" He says as he grabs two of my suitcases like they were nothing. Well he is a shapeshifter I thought. The whole ride back to his house we just caught each other up with what the other missed. We parked at his house.

"Home sweet home" He says with a big grin. I see the house and I had forgotten how tiny it was. I was used to big mansions and nice bedrooms not ... this. I rolled my eyes as Jake grabbed my two bags from the back and I grabbed the other and swung it over the edge like it was nothing

"Woah someones strong over here" Jake remarked

I smile. "Uhh yeah something like that". We walked inside and he showed me to Rachel's old room. The room I'd be staying in.

"Hope this is okay?" Jake asks.

"Uhh I guess" I reply with annoyance

"Cool see ya downstairs" Jake says. I scoff and don't say anything in return. I walk downstairs and see Uncle Billy and Jake talking.

"Well hello there Alyssa" I don't say anything, but grab an apple and start eating it. Uncle Billy just stares at me. I swallow my bite.

"Yeah?" I ask as he keeps staring. I don't flinch or anything.

"I said hello" He says again.

"Well HI" I say with a cheesy smile and roll my eyes.

"Jake give us a minute please" Jake nods and walks upstairs. I turn to walk upstairs, but Uncle Billy stops me.

"Alyssa come here for a second please"

"Yeah." I state, not in question form, but I just say it.

"Do you like your room?" He asks.

"Like? Not really will I tolerate it yeah I kind of have to" I say clearly irritated.

"Alyssa, I know my brother and his wife and I know they didn't teach you to act like this. I know they both taught you manners and to be okay with what you are given" Uncle BIlly syas calmly

"Well guess what they aren't here any longer" I shout slightly.

"And you're gonna just stop being the person they taught you to be just because they are no longer alive. Shame. You are disrespecting your parents acting like this. You're acting like such child right now" He says.

"Because I am a child!" I actually shout this time.

"No you aren't. You and I both know you aren't. I realize you have been deprived of your childhood basically your whole life and I am sorry, but just because your age says you are a child doesn't mean you can act like one"

"So I can't have fun?" I ask challenging my Uncle.

He chuckles at this as if I just asked the funniest joke in the world.

"No, but there is a difference between acting like a 5 year old child and acting your age, but having fun." He says staying calm. I can't understand how he stayed so clam throughout the whole argument. I would have been fuming.

"Whatever" I mutter. I turned around and walked upstairs. I opened up the door and fell onto the bed.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" I asked myself out loud. I knew acting like that was disrespectful towards not only my parents but to Sami and Travis all four of them taught me better. So much better than the way I was acting. I was ashamed and felt terrible my Uncle had taken me in and I repay him with this? I thought. I sighed and got off my bed I knew what I had to do; I had to apologize to both Jake and Uncle Billy. I walked back dowstairs and saw Jake flipping through the channels on the television and Uncle Billy sipping coffee while watching t.v and reading the newspaper.

"Hi" I said as quiet as a mouse.

"Why Hello there Alyssa. Would you like to join us?" Uncle Billy asked. I nod my head.

"But before I do I want to apologize to you two. Jake, I want to apologize to the way I was talking to you in the room. You were just being polite and I answered you the wrong way. Sorry" I told him. He smiled and shrugged his shoulders

"No biggie cuz" I smiled.

"Uncle, I want to apologize to the way I was talking to you in the kitchen just a little bit ago. You started with just trying to be nice and put me in check which is something I did not expect from you because everyone other then Travis, Sami and my parents were the only ones to put me in check." I smirked when I said that part and so did Uncle Billy "I challenged you and I shouldn't have. I am so sorry, you have taken me in during one of the most crucial times of my life" I paused and looked at Uncle BIlly he had a serious look in his face. I'm pretty sure Jake didn't know what I really was or why I was really here. "But I acted in a shameful manner and disrespected my parents in every single way possible. I am sorry for my actions and I hope that you have it in your heart to forgive me Uncle" I said politely.

"Someone is formal now isn't she?" Uncle Billy asked me and all three of us laugh.

"Well when it comes to apologizing and talking with adults that's one thing my parents taught me is to be formal" I said with a chuckle.

"Hey dad?" Jake asked out.

"Hmm?" Uncle replied

"Can I go to the beach with the boys?" He asked. I stayed quiet and just sat on one of the brown chairs cross legged. You know criss-cross apple sauce. (That's what they taught us in elementry. Lol)

"Yeah of course, why don't you take Alyssa? Show her around she is going to be staying with us for the whole summer" Uncle said taking a sip of his coffee.

"Really? That's awesome the whole summer I will have a smaller cousin to torment" He said and laughed

"Ohh whatever I won't be that easy." I said with a smile.

"Yeah yeah, well would you like to go to the beach?" He asked and I nodded.

"Just uh let me change" I said and ran upstairs. Considering I was wearing sweats and one of Travis' baggy sweaters I did not look presentable.

-Her uncle Billy put her in check dang! Lol :D

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