Chapter 7

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I laugh.  "So what should we do guys?" I ask when I then hear something and I turn my head to the window. I see something flash and run away. 

"Uhm guys, I am gonna go back to the house for something be back in a bit" And I zoom out of the house before anyone can protest. I run into the forest and stick my nose in the air and smell. I have the smelling sense like a dog.

"Manors" I mutter.

"Come out come out where you are" I shout into the forest and soon enough a few of them come out.

"Nice to see you again Alyssa" Alana says with a smirk.

"I thought you guys were staying in Montana you promised" I almost shouted.

"Promises shomises" She says with a slight laugh.

"Either you leave now, or I will be forced to take action and it won't be pretty" I tell her and that's when her husband Ethan comes up to her.

"C'mon Lan let's just go" He says tugging on her.

"No, I hate Montana I don't want to go back!" She shouted and I laugh.

"Does it look like I care?" Manors are creatures like vampires, except worse because they can be poisonous. If they scratch you the poison can kill you. I met Alana and her clan back in Montana on my tour. I was taking a walk on the beach when I smelled something funky. They smell like lilac flowers with some raspberry perfume it's very nauseating. I met them and I found out they were killing people so we fought and they promised to stay in Montana otherwise I'd kill them and so far they kept their promise, but their home town just happens to be Forks, Washington. Ironic huh? So that's why they have come back to be back home.

"I just want to be home" She says

"No, because you kill more here than you do in Montana" I tell her.

"Not like anyone notices anyway it's such a small town nobody will pay attention we could go to Seattle" She says. I then run to and we both start to fight.

"No!" Ethan shouts as Alana and I run at each other. I immediately do a kick flip and kick her head making her fall back. He puts me in a head lock while I kick her shin as hard as possible. She screams in pain because I think I just shattered part of her bone in her shin. Manors are alive yet dead, they have bones and stuff, but no blood pumps through their bodies. She stumbles back and falls onto her knees and that's when I make my move

"Noooo!" Ethan cries running at me. I kick my leg in a circle and completely take off her head. Her head goes flying while her body goes limp.

"How could you!" Screams Ethan

"Get out of here or I will do the same to all of you" I literally growl like a dog. Ethan doesn't move for a few minutes until finally he speaks.

"Come on guys let's head back to Montana its better there anyways" Ethan says. Everyone mumbles things and within seconds they are all gone. I dust myself off and run back to the house. I walk in slowly as everyone stares at me.

"Do what you needed to do?" Embry asks

"Ohh yeah" I say with a smile. Just killed a Manor.

A couple hours later it starts to get dark. We've been at Sam's since I got here and it's already 10 pm.

"Well Lyss, I think we should go" He says while getting up from his chair.

"Okay Jakey" I say cheerfully and with a smile.

I go over and give Seth a hug and peck on the cheek. He blushes and as we walk out of the door we hear the guys giving him crap for it and I just chuckle.

"Race ya" I tell Jake and start running

"No fair" He yells and runs after me. Within 5 minutes we are at the front door panting and catching our breath. Jake opens the door and walks in with me following shortly. He grabs and apple from the kitchen.

"Night Lyss" He tells me and gives me a hug.

"Night dad" He tells Billy with a wave

"Night son" Billy replies. I go to the fridge and grab a cold water bottle. I am so freakin' thirsty and hot no joke.

"Night Uncle Billy" I say while staring to walk upstairs.

"Alyssa come here for a sec please" Billy calls. I descend down the stairs and sit down on the couch

"Yes Uncle Billy" I ask politely.

"I talked to Travis today. He said to make sure you stay out of trouble" He tells me with his eyebrows raised. I smile sheepishly.

"What would he mean by that?" He asks

"Well... I tend to go off on my own so yeah, but I haven't done it in a while" I tell him with all honesty.

"Until today correct?" He asks and I say nothing

"What'd you kill? Just by yourself or with the boys?" He asks

"Remember they don't know. And I killed some Manors. I met them back in Montana when I was on tour and their home is Forks, ironic right? Anyways, they came back and they've been killing people and I don't trust them so I killed their leader and they left peacefully once I did that." I say finally taking a huge breath once I finish talking. I didn't breathe the whole time I explained that.

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