Chapter 9

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Unknown POV

I am watching them through a spell to try and find where she is at. She is at the beach with the wolf boy. She is squealing while he is running with her over his shoulder. How disgusting, how can she like him? And how can he like her? She is an abomination. The vision started fading away

“No” I screamed and within seconds the vision was no longer there.

“Ugh!” I shout out.

“Somebody!” I yell for somebody’s attention.

“Yes?” A boy, wolf boy by the smell of it.

“Did you find a location?” I ask him while he hands me her file. We have been researching her for many, many years. I start to flip through it seeing if they have found any new information on her.

“No ma’am, we do know she is somewhere in Washington state though”

“That is all you can give?” I ask agitated

“Yes ma’am, sorry. We are working on trying to produce a tracking spell to put on her or at least her brother.

“Well hurry up and get it done” I tell him shoving the file back into his hands

“Now, now Veronika, is that any way to treat your workers?” a male voice asks and I instantly know who it belongs to. A smile begins to spread across my face. I get out of my chair and walk over to my husband whom I have not seen in months. He has been off exploring the world as he puts it.

“Honey” I tell him and give him a hug. He gives me a kiss on the cheek.

“Now sweetheart, what did I tell you?” He asks with his eyebrows raised.

“Treat the help with respect” I said the words as if they were full of venom. I hate respecting people, but you will respect me or I will have your head cut off; no literally I have a wall of nothing but mantled heads of people who did not respect. I’m always eager to add to my collection.

“Yes, now do that and I am going to take a shower because I wrestled with vampires and smell disgusting” He says I didn’t notice when he first walked, but he does. I scrunch up my nose in disgust and he pecks it.

“Love you” I tell him

“Yeah, yeah” He replies and walks away.

Travis’ POV

I get out of the taxi that I decided to catch to get to the airport. I walk in the airport just in time the private jet landed. I walk over to it and board it. I take a seat and sit back closing my eyes. This is what I love about Alyssa being famous we have private planes and jets so damn awesome. Can’t wait to see my baby sis again; haven’t seen her in about a week.


I have been busy sitting on the beach with Seth for a few hours and it is starting to get dark.. We both suddenly hear a howl.

“I think that’s our cue to get home” I tell Seth with a smile and stand up. He stands up as well. He suddenly picks me up bridal style and starts running back to Sam’s place with me in his arms.

“You’re crazy wolf boy” I shout over the wind because we can hear the wind whipping past as us he runs because he is running so fast. He’s pretty fast in a human form not as fast as me though. We are about 3 yards away from the house I can tell because I can smell Emily’s cooking. That’s when I hear his laugh.

“Travie!” I squeal jumping out of Seth’s arms and running to Travis. I push through the branches and leaves and bushes and see Travis come into view. I run right to him and scream.

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