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Keith's POV
I wake up aside Gavin. His chest moves up and down slowly, calmly. I sit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed. I grab my black shirt off of the floor and throw it on. I grab my jacket and walk outside to my jeep. I drive away from the school, Jupiter University. I look at the date on my phone, it reads October 31. It's Halloween. I drive downtown to the Cafe and walk inside. The waitress hands me my coffee then I sit down at one of the small tables. I hear the door behind me open. A familiar voice orders two drinks. I turn my head and see Lance. "Thanks." He says as he takes the cups off the counter. As he walks away I turn around quickly avoiding his gaze, yet I can feel him looking at me. I know Lance goes to the new university too, I just didn't expect to see him after the year we broke up. All the memories flood back at once. Everything keeping me sane comes crashing down as I remember all the time spent together. How we met, how he left his girlfriend for me, how he cheated and left me for her...

I finish my coffee and drive back to the school. I hop into the elevator, praying I don't see Lance again. Thankfully I don't. I walk into Gavin's dorm and turn on the lights. I swore I turned on the lights before I left...
"Surprise!!" I jump back and fall onto the ground. Someone wraps their arms around me and squeezes. They pull away and face me. I recognize her immediately.
"Pidge!?" I look up and see Hunk, Shiro and Shay smiling down at me. "What are you guys doing in Gavin's dorm?" I ask. Hunk helps me up and hugs me.
     "It's Halloween! We havin' a party." He says with a smile. "Everyone's going to be here!"
     "Even Lance and Victoria?" I ask. Hunk sighs and nods his head.
     "You need to talk to him. You both have moved on. Just for tonight." Hunk begs. Shiro gives me a double thumbs up. I smile and shake my head.
     "Fine, can Gavin come?" Gavin pops up from behind Shay.
     "This was my idea, of course I'm going!" He laughs. Gavin already got dressed; he's wearing a grey long sleeve turtle neck with black ripped jeans. His brown hair shaggy is neat and brushed.  His freckles speckled across the bridge of his nose look darker in the lighting. I hug Gavin and kiss his cheek. "There's clothes in the back room for you."

I walk back out with a navy blue and white striped shirt with jeans. I see Gavin stuff a small box in his pocket.
"That better not be what I think it is..?" I reach inside his pocket and pull out a box of cigarettes. I raise my eyebrow at Gavin. "I thought you said you were going to quit?" He brings the cigarette to his lips, resting it between his teeth and lights it.
"It's just one, I promise it won't become a problem." He says innocently. I take the cigarette out of his mouth and kiss him. Then I take the cigarette and extinguish it. He rolls his eyes at me but smiles.
"Let's get ready for this party!"

Lance's POV
     I hand Victoria her pumpkin spice latte and take a sip from mine. She hands me a pale white letter and takes a drink from her latte. "It's from Keith and Gavin." She gives me a concerned look as she tells me. "It's for a Halloween party." I read over the letter.
     "Let's go." I say with a smile. Victoria chokes on her latte. "I think it'll be fun!" She sighs and grabs my hand.
     "Are you sure? Remember what happened the last time you talked to Keith?" I place my other hand over hers and give her sarcastic eyes.
     "Yes, I'll be fine. You don't need to baby me." Victoria slips her hand out from under mine then crosses her arms over her chest. I stand up and kiss her cheek. "I'm kidding, love you?" She kisses back.
     "Love you." I take both of her hands and  pull her up from her chair.
     "Let's go get dressed for tonight and Katrina's party that's at Ten o' clock."

     I walk out in my Danny Zuko costume and look in the mirror. I fix my gelled hair; two arms wrap around my shoulder and I turn around. Victoria kisses me on the lips then steps back. She's wearing a tightly fit black leather outfit, her blonde hair is curled but still slightly flat. Her light blue eyes are brighter surrounded by her dark makeup. "I'm Sandy and you're Danny!" She says with a smile.
     "From Grease." I beam. She looks confused for a second but shakes her head. She spins around, showing off her costume. I wrap my arms around her waist and hug her. She pushes away.
     "Watch the makeup." She wines as she tries to kiss me. I roll my eyes and kiss her anyway. She dances away into the kitchen and starts putting on her high heeled boots. I grab my converse and we walk out the door.

Stand By Me (sequel to Kiss me Goodbye)Where stories live. Discover now