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Keith's POV
     Everyday Lance leaves to work on the ship or hang out with other people. It gets lonely and boring around here. I set down my pen and stand up stretching. Having this journal is the only thing keeping me sane in here. Lance opens the door quickly, startling me. He has a wide grin on his face, one that only crazy people wear. He shoves his hands in my face, waving a small card around. "Do you know what this is?!" he asks enthusiastically. I smile and shake my head.
     "Its hard to tell when you're holding it that close to me." I say, trying to grab ahold of his hand and read the paper. He finally settles down and I see what it is. The card reads: passenger 32, Keith Kogane. Department: Space Life Specialist. "Does this mean..."
     "You can freely walk around the ship!" My heartbeat quickens and my cheeks start to hurt from smiling. I jump into Lance's arms and start kissing him.
     "I absolutely adore you!" I beam, kissing him on his forehead. He pulls me closer by my waist and kisses me passionately on the lips. I close my eyes, feeling all his emotions in just a kiss.

     "Why don't we take her for a test drive?" Lance grabs my hand and drags me outside the dorm room.
     "Nononononono." I whisper as he pulls me into the hall. A girl with raven hair looks at me funny then smiles.
     "Hey Lance. Is this your roommate?" she leans in close to him, "The one with social issues?" She whispers. I give her a questioning look and Lance nudges me.
     "Yep! Keith hasn't been outside the dorm because he's a little shy." I catch on and nod, trying to seem nervous. The girl gives me a warm smile and sticks out her hand.
     "Im Mel, I work as one of the pilots on this ship with Lance." I hesitantly shake her hand, playing my roll as Nervous-breakdown dude. "Well, I hope you enjoy the rest of the trip and make some new friends." Lance gives her a hug and she disappears down the hall.
     "She seems nice." I break the silence. Lance has a big grin on his face. He turns toward me and wraps his arms around me. I hug him back. "I can't believe that worked." I smile into his chest.
     "This is going to be an amazing trip."

     We walk into the eating carrier and I sit down at a table with a plate of something green; it looks disgusting but it tastes amazing. Lance finally comes and sits next to me, which surprised me because I assumed he would sit with his pilot friends. He takes a large spoonful of his green sludge and eats it. Without Pidge and the rest of the gang I don't have much to talk about, I guess I have to start making new friends. Lance stands up to dump his tray and I do too, but I don't follow him. I walk over to a group in the back corner of the room and sit down. They all give me warm looks except for one girl with thick white hair. "Uh, hi. Im Keith." A girl with red hair and horns reaches across the table and shakes my hand.
     "I'm Serena, this is Dutch," She points to a boy with jet black hair and a army fatigue, "This is Honey," she then gestures to a girl with long blonde hair with a hexagonal patterned dress. "And finally, this is Odette." I look over at the glaring white haired girl. She ties her hair back then stands up and walks away with her tray. "She's really sweet and nice once you get to know her." Serena explains.

     After talking with the group of people, who I later found out are in charge of planting trees and other plants on Arus once we get there, I rant to Lance about them. He genuinely smiles and hugs me.
     "I'm so glad this is working out! You love plants and so do they and you'll be working with them and-" He stops talking and hugs me tighter. We continue walking down the hallway and turn the corner to our dorm; I slam into someone and they stumble backwards.
     "Oh, sorry!" I apologize. The person fixes their glasses and looks me up and down. The man is wearing a suit and tie, which is the only person I've seen on this ship dressed like that. I look over at Lance and see he's saluting him so I quickly do the same. The man nods, checks me out again, then walks away. "Lance, who was that?" he finally puts his arm down and looks at me with worry on his face.
     "He's the officer of this mission."

I haven't posted in so long, you guys need to bug me about this. I need to post more

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