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(Did Keith and the flower squad do that?? Don't start music yet)

Lance's POV
I fix my tie and stand in front of the long, body length mirror and check myself out. I do a spin then point finger guns at my reflection, "Lookin good smexy boy." I pat down a tuft of my hair and check my breath then strut out the door to pick up Keith who is getting ready with his friend who's name I can't remember, Doug or Dan or something. All I remember is he has a good fashion sense. I search for the door with the silver numbers 204 embroidered into it, and with luck, find it right away. I knock and the door is immediately swung open by a girl with golden hair tied into a ballerina bun and a crazed look in her eyes. "Oh, hi honey." I smile, afraid she might stab and/or loot me. She attempts to hug me "normally" but she ends up having to stand on tippy toes.
"It's so good to see you again!" Honey squeals as she hangs on my neck. "Keith is in the back with Dutch getting ready, you can chill on the couch if you want."
That's his name, Dutch. I sit down on the worn out couch and pick up one of the books on the coffee table labeled 101 Easy Homemade Products for Your Skin, Health & Home: All-Natural DIY Projects Using Commonly Found Herbs, Flowers & Other Plants. I turn the book over and read the published date: 1975.
"Whatcha reading?" I look up from the book and see a girl with flaming red hair in a beautiful black dress with polished horns.
"Wow, you look stunning Serena." I respond in awe. She blushes and smiles.
"Well, you don't look to shabby yourself." She giggles.
"Gag." I turn around and see a girl with silvery-blue eyes and grey hair that's tied half up half down sneering back at me from the kitchen. She walks over to join the conversation and I see she is wearing a ankle length, solid white, off-the-shoulder, maxi dress and white open toed heels.
Side note: she also looks amazing.
Odette sits next to me on the stain-covered couch with her legs crossed neatly. She stares directly at me with wide, crystal-like eyes and leans in closer to me. I inch backwards, suddenly remembering Victoria, and shoot Serena a panicked face that screams H E L P. Odette reaches forwards with both hands and straightens my tie. "There." she says, proud of her work, then she places her hand on my shoulder. I don't move, mortified. The bedroom door across from the couch swings open and Dutch, in a snazzy suit and tie walks out. He holds the door open and a smiling Keith sways into the room wearing a black suit and red tie. Although the outfit is simple, my heart beat quickens and I feel bubbly. Keith notices Odette's hand on me and we confidently walks over to her. His eyes tell me Stand. Up. So I do. Keith grabs ahold of my tie and pulls me into one of the best kisses we've ever shared. When he's finished he acts surprised.
"Oh, Odette! I didn't even seen you come in!"

With Keith linked to my arm, we strut into the loud gymnasium. The decorations the group helped put up look outstanding and the music is blasting throughout the room. Real by Years & Years is playing and the gym is filled with dancing crew members. Keith grabs my hand and drags me into the sea of dancing bodies. He bounces and moves to the beat of the music and his smile lights up the room. Everyone around him starts to notice him and they stand back creating a one foot radius around him. He mouths the lyrics I, think I'm into you and points at me and continues singing and dancing, not realizing people are watching. He whips his dark hair around as he dances then he spins around and sees everyone staring then he stops dancing. The room erupts with cheers. Keith blushes hard and hides his face bashfully with his hands. I pull him closer to me by the waist and kiss him. He smiles and kisses back. When I open my eyes, he's towing me closer to the raised platform where the DJ is. He climbs up on stage and tells the DJ something inaudible. The man nods and the music stops. A girl with short red hair in a yellow dress and a boy with a guitar mount the stage and start to play. Keith hops down from the platform and places my hand on his waist then we started to sway to the girls beautiful voice. Keith rests his head on my shoulder. I look up and see Serena leaning up against a wall nodding her head to the music when a boy approaches her; he has auburn hair and Harry Potter glasses. She immediately stands straight up. He holds his hand out to her and she accepts it. They go onto the floor and dance. I look over to my left and see Odette with an extremely tall boy with tattoos and a nose piercing. He has his arms around her waist and he's kissing her neck. She's giggling and smirking devilishly. Odette sees me staring and shoots me a death glare. I still wonder how half of these people were accepted into this mission...

     Keith looks at me with his gorgeous grey eyes and smiles soulfully. I give him a quick peck on the lips and spin him around. Once he comes back to face me he pulls my face close and kisses me passionately, catching me off guard. My immediate reaction is to get closer to him in any way so I dip him backwards and kiss back. When I lift him back up he starts giggling quietly. I then hear a louder laugh from across the room; Honey is being lifted by Dutch and spun around which is causing her to laugh uncontrollably. Honey takes out her golden top bun and lets her long wavy hair fly away. Dutch sets her down and sings the words to her, then she kisses his cheek making his face flush red. Keith and I dance to this song for what feels like forever and I wish it was. As much as I miss our other friends on earth, if i could stay in this moment with keith for eternity, I would.
     The girl on stage takes the microphone off its stand and starts weaving through the crowd. She makes her way over to me and Keith and winks at us and smiles. She circles back around to the platform and leans against the guitarist and closes her eyes; her voice sounds pure and silky like waves of the ocean back home. The guitar plays the last few chords and the couple bow and the room demands an encore. The girl laughs to herself, presses her lips into the mic and smiles.
     "Alright, this next song is an original. It's called Make It Okay. So, here we go." The boy exchanges his guitar for a ukulele and she starts singing. She sits down on a stool and holds the microphone as she belts out her sorrow-filled song. She starts to tear up but keeps singing. I look over at Keith who is mesmerized by her voice. I watch as a single tear travels down his cheek as the song ends and the girl stands up from her chair and bows. She wipes the tears from her eyes and hooks the mic back up to the stand. "This has been Abbey Glover and Lewis, thank you all!" They leave the stage and Keith grabs my arm.

    "We have to go meet them!" We run over to the girl and Keith shakes her hand. "Your song was amazing!" he gushes. She thanks him and they chat for a while. I tap Keith on the shoulder and tell him I'd be right back. I walk through the crowd over to where Odette and her date are dancing. I ask to cut in and the boy lets me. Odette gives me a look of curiousity but doesn't pull away from me.
     "Couldn't resist I see." she wraps her arms around my neck and leans in.
     "I came her to talk, not flirt." She bites her lower lip and nods.
     "Oh, I'm sure that's all you want to do."
      "What's your relationship with Keith?" I ask. She seems thrown off by the question and thinks of a moment.
     "We're... Friends." She finally answers with a smile.
    "That's all I needed, thanks." I start to walk away but I'm pulled back by Odette. I tug my arm out of her grip and turn around to face her. "I said no Victoria."
Halfway Party part One✨

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