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Keith's POV
     I cover Lance's eyes and guide him up the stairs to the roof. "So, remember the book I bought at Torn Pages? Well this is what I used it for." I remove my hands and reveal the garden I've been working on since the first day of school, one months ago. Lance oohs and ahhs at all the flowers but stops at a particular plant. He squats down and smiles warmly at the tiny succulent."I forgot about that little guy." lance looks up and me and beams.
     "Go grab a pot."
I rush back down to my dorm and grab a light pink pot and race back to the roof. I hand it to Lance and he starts digging the succulent out of the soil. He places the plant into the pot and stands up. I watch as Lance carries the pot over to the door and gestures with his head for me to open it. I walk over and open it for him; he carries it down the stairs and into my dormitory. He sets it on the counter, opens a drawer and pulls out scotch tape. Lance rips a piece off and writes something on it with sharpie, sticks it on the pot and holds it out for me to see. I cover my mouth and blush hard.  Lance laughs at my blushing. I re-read what he wrote on the tape, Our Future. "This plant will represent our relationship. As long as it lives so will our Love." I wrap my arms around Lance's shoulders and kiss him. "I know, I'm the best." he gloats. I hang off his shoulders and roll my eyes.
     "You talk to much." I laugh while covering his mouth with the palm of my hand. Lance tries to kiss me through my hand while making kissy noises. Lance mumbles under my hand and I take it away from his mouth. "What?"
     "I said I love you." he grins. I smile, shake my head and lean in to Lance, kissing him.
     "You're too much." I say into his lips. He pulls away and smirks sarcastically.
     "Damn right."

     The weekend ends and its back to school. Tori continues to give me mean looks and Gavin completely ignores me now, and Pidge is still the only one who knows about me and Lance. At lunch, Lance and I don't sit near each other.
     "So are we just going to ignore the fact that you both broke up with your ex's on the same day or..?" Hunk stares at me then Lance. "Lance, we've been roommates and best friends since forever! Well, last year but still!"  Lance looks from Hunk to me, I shake my head. We can't tell them yet.
     Lance shrugs and keeps eating his food. Hunk looks over at me and I avoid his sad stare. Shay rubs his shoulder comfortingly.

     After lunch Lance, Shiro and I head to history. While writing down notes, Lance gets a call down to the office. Ten minutes later he comes back, all the color is drained from his face. Shiro stands up first.
     "What happened?" Lance looks over at me then makes eye contact with Shiro. The whole class has stopped writing notes now, even Mr Greyson has stopped teaching.
     "I've been chosen to go to the Arus system again..." he replies with no emotion in his voice. Before Comet University was burned down Lance had been chosen to fly to the Arus system, a Galaxy light-years away.
Hey guys, I have an announcement! Its official, Im going to write a third and final book to this series!
More information will come out soon.

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