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Keith's POV A few months later

I wake up next to a snoring Lance. I stretch out of bed and hobble to the window, which I usually never do. I peer out and see tall grass, blue skies and a beautiful city. Then I sluggishly walk to the bathroom.


I run back to Lance and shake him awake. "Lance!! Get your ass up!" He slowly opens one eye and mumbles something. "We landed!" He sits straight up and races to the window.
"Holy shit!" He runs out into the hallway and I follow close behind. People scatter the hall celebrating. Lance turns around and pushes me back into the room. "Hurry, get dressed! We gotta get off this stupid ship!"
I throw on a black shirt and jeans and grab Lance by the sleeve of his grey sweatshirt, dragging him out into the hall. I look down and see we're both barefoot. I see the end of the hallway where the door to the ship is open. We sprint out and fresh air hits us. Lance and I embrace.
"We gotta find the Telepad." Lance reminds me. The Telepad is one of the main reasons the mission was created. I look around taking in the scenery when I spot Serena squatting on the ground tinkering with a square object.
     "Right there!" I point. We make it over to her and see it is the pad. "Is it functional yet?" She looks up and me with a wide smile and nods.
     "And you're the first to try it out." She hands me a tablet and I type in my location then where I want to go. Earth.  I step onto the pad, close my eyes and wait.

     When I open them again I'm in a house. It's huge and overlooks the ocean. The salt water fills my nose. A loud crash erupts behind me making me flinch. I turn around and a dark skinned man stares back with his hands over his mouth and tears welding up in his eyes.
     "Hunk?" I look down and see he's dropped a plate. I bend over to pick it up but he pulls me into a tight bear hug.
     "Is it really you?"
     "Y-yes, I missed you big guy."
     "Me too."
     "Me three." Hunk drops me and runs over to Lance who finally arrived and gives him a hug.
     "Where is everyone else?" I ask. I here stomps and turn around. Pidge is standing at the top of the staircase. Her once short hair now past her shoulders. Shiro and Allura appear behind her.

     We all hug and laugh and cry and finally. Finally we feel like a family again.

Hey guys...

This is the end of the book...


New book coming soon!💕

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