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     Pidge pushes Shiro away forcefully making him fall back into the grass. She stands up and starts to walk towards the house but she is pulled to a stop by Shiro; he has her wrist and is looking up at her confused. "Let go of me." He stares quietly, the same heartbroken expression on his face. "What the hell is wrong with you!" He stands up and sighs, blades of grass are scattered in his black and white hair. Pidge twists her arm out of his grasp and waits for his response.
     "I-I don't know what came over me..." Shiro looks down at the girl he once loved. Her hair whips around in the wind, revealing her tear filled eyes. "I'm sorry. I-"
     "You don't get to toy with my emotions Shirogane." Pidge turns and walks away, leaving Shiro with himself. She stumbles into the kitchen, still dazed from what just happened. She grabs a cup and starts filling it with water; Shay strolls passed Pidge but stops. She points at the cup that is now over flowing onto the tile floor. Shay rushes to grab paper towels and mops up the water. "I'm so out of it, sorry." She apologizes. Shay soaks the last bit up off the floor and throws away the towels.
     "If you want, you can talk to me about it." Pidge sits on the counter top with her cup in her hands.
     "I don't know if I should stay here." Pidge tips the cup back and lets the cold water run down her throat. This sparks a memory of her childhood. When she was younger and would get a scrape, her mother would give her a drink of ice water to sooth her. The nostalgia makes her close her eyes, savoring every drop. She opens her eyes again and sighs. "Don't get me wrong, this place is beautiful and I love hanging with all of you. I just don't think it would be appropriate for me to stay." Shay raises her eyebrow with curiosity. "You know, because of," Pidge motions towards the slide door to the backyard. Shay nods silently to her self then speaks up.
     "Then go settle things with him. Make it... Less awkward."

     The slide door opens and Shiro walks in. He makes eye contact with Pidge then quickly rushes upstairs. Pidge follows suit and goes after him. She locates his bedroom at the end of the long hall and softly taps on his door. It swings open revealing a confused Allura.
     "Isn't this Shiro's room?" Allura opens the door to it's full extent and leans against the door frame with her arms crossed over her chest.
     "Yes, it is my boyfriends room. We were just talking. Do you need to speak with him?" Allura's British accent seems to be getting thicker as she speaks. "He's right here on the bed, come in." Pidge enters the room and sits on a cushioned chair across from the muscular boy. "I'll leave you to alone to talk." As the door creaks shut, Shiro sits up from his bed.
     "We broke up." Pidge starts.

Shiro: yep.

Pidge: And you have a new girlfriend.
Shiro: yes.

Pidge: you chose that, you broke up with me. If I'm going to stay here, you can't mess with my heart.

Shiro: *looking down at the shag carpeted floor* I'm sorry. I won't, not ever again.

     Pidge leaves his room feeling as if that short conversation didn't change anything. Shiro stands up and closes the door behind her but the door is stopped by Allura who walks in.
     "What was that all about?" She says, sitting cross legged on Shiro's bed. He sits down next to her and kisses her cheek.
     "I love you, you know that right?" Allura nods.
     "Is everything alright?" Shiro laughs to himself and tackles Allura playfully. He attacks her rosey cheeks and dark lips with wet, goofy kisses. Allura laughs and tries to fight him off. Their voices echo down the hall to Pidge's ears.

      Pfft! No I'm not writing these chapters about the paladins who are on earth just so I can make this book longer. No wayyyy mannnnnnn.
Heh. Heh.



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