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Keith's POV
I wake up and feel next to me for Lance. I reach over and touch the soft, bunched up covers. I sit up, Lance is gone. I quickly throw on Lance's Best Bi t-shirt and black jeans then sprint through the halls to the Caf. I slow down as I approach the loud room. People are celebrating, and I have no idea why. Boys pat my back, girls kiss my cheeks and tell me to smile. I walk over to Lance ask what's going on. "Its the halfway celebration! We're almost to Arus! Tonight there's going to be a huge party and it's going to be amazing!" Lance radiates excitement. He looks down and notices I'm wearing his shirt, he covers up his smile and blushes hard. "Damn you, Kogane." He chuckles bashfully. I wink playfully back at him as walk over to my table where Honey is on top of it posing for Serena who is trying to draw her in her sketchbook. I sit down and Dutch wraps one arm around my shoulder and messes up my hair with the other.
"Good Morning," He gives a sly look to the rest of the table as I take a bite out of toast. "So, how was last night?" I choke and start coughing uncontrollably. Everyone starts laughing, even Odette who covers her mouth. I finally recover and clear my throat.
"What do you mean?"
"Don't play dumb, we all know what's going on between you and Lance McClain." I look over at Lance, He's laughing and smiling with his pilot friends; I feel myself blushing. I face the table again and they all smile back.
"Is it that obvious?" Honey hops off the table and hugs me tightly.
"That's soooo cute! Our little boy is in love!" she squeals. She takes me by the hands and pulls me up from my seat. "Let's go talk to him! I've never spoken to a pilot before!"
"Uh, Honey, I used to be a pilot." She stares back at me with big, sparkling, fishbowl eyes.
"Well, let's go talk to a real one." She drags me over to Lance and introduces herself. I wave apologetically​ but He just smiles back, listening to every word and answering every question Honey asks. Compared to Lance, Honey is up to his chest. She wraps around him like a little kid and hugs him. "Thank you for being so nice to our Keith." He hugs her back.
"Thank you for coming over here and introducing yourself, you really are as cute as Keith says." Lance flashes one of his famous smiles which leaves Honey in awe. This time, I drag her back to our table, literally. She sits down with her mouth still open, she is completely starstruck.
"He's a God." I glace over at Lance and see he's making funny faces his table. I snort with laughter loudly.
"You could say that."

Because Serena is basically the leader of our division she was made in charge of decorations for the halfway party. Although she is the one responsible for the decorations, she is forcing the rest of us to help. We all gather in the ships gym where the party is supposed to happen; Serena is standing with a clipboard looking very impatient. Serena usually wears things like skirts and fancy clothes but today she is wearing a red, ruffled, muscle t-shirt with jeans that are cuffed at the ends. She has her red hair tied into a high ponytail that sways when she walks. She struts angrily up to all of us who just walked in late. "Where were all of you?" she fumes. I step forward, Serena's eyes burn into my skull.
"We got a little lost, there's so many turns and we just couldn't find the right door." I explain. She rolls her eyes.
"I don't usually get mad or mean or even scary but right now, I'm annoyed which is worse." She looks over my shoulder and sees everyone else. "Odette, you'll be with me helping set up tables and equipment." Odette, wearing a white cropped shirt with a blue skater skirt, walks over to the DJ and helps him lift a speaker. "Dutch, you're in charge of streamers." Dutch rolls his eyes and gives a sarcastic smile. He tosses his hood on his navy hoodie over his head then starts unwrapping blue streamers. "And finally, Keith and Honey. You two will be blowing up balloons! Have fun." Serena cackles. She reminds me of the wicked witch from the Wizard of Oz. How does one go from being sweet and kind to being stressed out and becoming the literal devil himself?
Honey sits down on a white fold up table and starts blowing up a blue balloon. I set the helium tank on the table loudly, Honey glances over with an annoyed look. She lets go of the balloon and it flys around the gym then finally lands on the floor. I take a balloon out of the bag and hook it up to the tank. Honey lays on her back on the table and watches me fill each balloon up, one by one.
"Would you like to help?" I offer. Honey holds out her hand and I place a shrunken balloon in her palm. She starts to raise it to her mouth again, I shoot her a glare then she takes the helium tank, opens it up, and blows it in her mouth. I quickly close it and take it away from her. She smiles and stands up on the table.
     "I'm a chipmunk!" She screams with a high pitched voice. I cover my mouth to hide my laughter. She leans over and gets close to my face. She sticks out her tongue and laughs an auto tuned laugh. Out of the corner of my eye I see Serena walking over with a mad look on her face. Honey turns around and notices her coming over, she hops off the table and runs to Serena.
     "Honey, you need to w-" Honey interrupts her and gives her a squeaky roar. Serena stands with no expression before laughing hysterically. I start to chuckle nervously. Serena finally catches her breath. "Seriously though, work." Honey salutes her and we go back to filling up balloons.
Tonight this will all be worth it.
Lances birthday is coming up! July 28!
Also season 3 is coming in August!!

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