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Lance's POV
     I finish packing my suitcase for the trip, now only twenty days away, and lay face down on my bed. I feel a tear leak from my eye and roll down the side of my face. I stand up and slump over to the drawer next to my bed, grabbing a key from under my socks. I kneel down and pull a box out from underneath it. Using the key I unlock the box and take out the bottle.
     With both hands I pry open the bottle and bring it to my lips. The last time I did this was... A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts and I scramble to hide the bottle. "Coming!" I shout as I stuff the bottle back under the bed. I walk swiftly to the door and open it, revealing a happy Keith.  I quickly smile and let him in, praying the bottle isn't visible. "So... What are you doing here?" I ask. Keith tucks a strand of hair behind his ear and raises his eyebrow.
     "Why do you think?" He smirks. I stare back without a clue if what he means "But we don't have to if..." I mental kick myself as I realize what he means.
     "No! No, we can." Keith smiles awkwardly. I wrap my hands around his waist and start kissing his neck, He doesn't smile.
     "Im sorry for coming over unexpected, I'll see you later." Keith starts for the door but I grab his wrist and pull him back.
     "No, I want you to stay." I whisper before kissing him. Keith breaks the kiss and smiles thoughtfully. "Please stay."
     Keith grabs my face with both hands and kisses me back. He leans away and walks over to the couch."ahhh, the couch." I smirk. Keith sits down and flashes me a handsome grin.
     "The couch." he echos back. I walk over and sit next to him. He starts to lean in the kiss again and I meet his lips halfway. I tuck Keith's hair behind his ear and hold the back of his neck as we kiss. I feel Keith pull me closer then on top of him.

     I wake up dizzy with a weird ringing in my ear. I sluggishly stand up and look down, realizing Im naked. I look around and grab my boxers off of the TV. I turn around and see Keith sitting straight up on the couch blushing hard with his hand covering is mouth. Keith just saw my... He pulls a blanket up to his cover bone. I blush hard as I notice the red and purple spots dotted on Keith's neck. Keith looks down and sees them too then pulls the covers up higher, hiding the hickies. Keith gives me an impatient look and I give him a confused smile.
     "Go get dressed and meet me on the roof. I need to find my pants."
I promise the next chapter will be longer!
     (You dont have to but) if you ever make fanart from any of my fanfics, plz send me a pic and I'll be sure to put it in a chapter. Luv u all!❤

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