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Lance's POV
     I realize what I said and cover my mouth. "Who's Victoria?" I quickly pull away from Odette and rush over to Keith, grabbing him by the arm.
"Come get something to eat with me." I huff, out of breath. I drag him over to the food table and take deep breaths. Keith with a Ritz cracker in his mouth gives me a questionable look.
     "Are you alright? You look kinda pale." He raises his eyebrow and tilts his lips with concern. I close my eyes and shake myself back into reality.
     "I'm fine, really. Just a little tuckered out is all." I bring a tall, cold glass of water to my mouth and down it all at once.  Keith stares at me with wide eyes.
     "Yeah, it's time to go."
     "No! This is supposed to be the night of our lives, we can't go yet." I beg. Keith gives me a concerned look but shrugs it off.
     "If you really want to stay," I notice Odette looking around for me and I quickly drag Keith into a crowd of people. I duck under arms and force my way to the center of the dance floor. Keith sighs angrily. "What the hell Lance? What are you doing?" he looks over his shoulder then back at me. "Who are you hiding from?"
      "He's running from me." startled, I jump and turn around to face Odette. "Who's Victoria?" I watch as all the blood drains from Keith's face. "Woah, you okay?" Keith nods his head slowly, biting the inside of his cheek.
     "I just haven't heard that name in a while, that's all."
     "Let's talk about this later." I shoot Odette a dirty look and she backs off. We find a spot and sit down. "I'm sorry." Keith looks up and smiles.
"It's okay, really." He looks over to the stage where Honey is jumping and loudly singing. He chuckles quietly as she points at him, screaming the lyrics. I stand up and offer my hand. He looks at me hesitantly before grabbing it.
"Lets just try to forget about it?" I pull him close and he smiles eagerly. It Girl by Jason Derulo starts playing and I quietly sing to Keith. In my peripheral vision I see Odette and her tattooed date dancing next to us. We lock eyes and she raises her eyebrows. I glare back intensely.

After The Dance

Keith and I walk back to our room holding hands and huge smiles on our faces. Once in the room, I start getting undressed. I face Keith who's tie hangs loosely on around his shoulders and his hair sweeps across his eyes. I slowly walk up and kiss him, brushing his hair out of his eyes. He smiles into our kiss and laughs quietly. I start to unbutton his shirt when his hands shoot up and stop me.
      "Lance," He sighs. "We need to talk."
      "No. No we don't. It never happened okay? Don't ruin it now..." I walk into the kitchen and search for a drink.
      "Please, just talk to me. What happened tonight?" I pull a water bottle out of the fridge and stare back at Keith's concerned eyes.
      "I just... I want to get off this ship. It's making me go insane!" I cover my head in my hands. "I love you and I want us to have a normal life." I feel arms wrap around me.

     "We're halfway to a normal life."

It's been a while...

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