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Lance's POV
     Noise and laughter erupt from behind me. I turn around a see a food fight has broken out and in the center of it all is a tomato-sauce drenched Keith hurling spaghetti at a girl who is using a tray as a shield. Mel, one of the only people to meet Keith stands up and rushes over to stop the fight. "I thought you said he was shy?" she yells back at me while trying not to slip on the greasy floor. All the pilots at my table stand up and start separating crew members. I walk in a straight line, forcing people to part, and march up to Keith. He has his back to me and is standing on a table. I step up onto the table and the room goes silent. Keith turns around, red tomato splatters decorate his face like war paint. His smile fades and he steps down from the table. I grab him by the wrist and drag him out of the Caf. I force him into the bathroom and turn on the sink, he dips his face under and starts scrubbing at the food stains.
     "Are you crazy! This ship is for only the best of the best! I know this might sound stupid coming from me but, you can't goof off. I learned that the hard way." Keith looks up from the sink, water droplets clinging to his jawline.
     "I'm sorry. I know it was dumb to start it but I couldn't stop myself." He looks down at his feet.
Keith isn't like this. He usually has control over himself and never gets into trouble. He looks back up at me with a tiny smudge of red on his cheek, I use my thumb and wipe it away. "What's going to happen?"

     I walk Keith down to the Chief Directors dorm and knock softly on the door. It slides open. He's sitting at a desk with his head buried in papers when he finally notices who walked in. "Ah. Please, have a sit Mr. McClain." I sit down and look at my shoes, but Keith stays standing in the doorway. "I would ask you to sit," He is now talking to Keith. "But I'm afraid I don't know your name, Stow away."
my head shoots up.
     "Sir, I can explain-" He raises his hand to silence me.
     "What is your name young man?" Keith walks straight up to the Directors desk and holds out his hand.
     "Keith Kogane." I watch as the Directors hand tenses has he shakes Keith's. "I was supposed to go on this mission but I lost the opportunity."
    "You do realize that you have put this entire ship in danger, don't you?" Keith stands tall and makes strong eye contact with the Director.
     "Yes sir. I understand the risks that came with me boarding this ship illegally." The Director gestures toward the chair next to me, Keith sits down.
     "I trust you know what you're doing, with the plants that is. Odette told me everything. She said you work well with the other crew members and take good care of the plants." I glance over at Keith and see a small streak of blush appear on the bridge of his nose and on his cheeks. "I'll let you continue with us on our trip to Arus but, if you pull anymore stunts like you just did in the Eating Carrier," He threatens. Keith nods and the Director dismisses us. The door slides closed behind us and I wrap my arms around Keith. He hugs me back, and I feel his head rest on my shoulder.
     "I'm sorry." Keith's breathing starts to falter, he's crying. He looks me sadly in the eyes and I start kissing his cheeks. He smiles and playfully pushes me away.
     "You have nothing to be sorry about." Keith laces his fingers with mine and we walk down to our room.

(Smut warning)
     I push Keith up against the small dorm walls and kiss his collar bone. I take off my shirt in one swift motion and help him remove his. I suck on his neck making him moan with delight. "D-don't make them noticeable." He begs breathlessly. I smile into his neck, knowing that he will be mad once he sees where I placed them. Keith pulls my face closer to his and kisses me on the lips. I take him away from the wall and onto my bed, never breaking our kiss. He pulls me down on top of him and digs his nails into my back, which doesn't hurt and only makes me want him more.
     "Do you want to?" I whisper slyly into his ear. Keith bites his lower lip and nods.
     "Please." He begs, from below me which turns me on even more. I feel myself blushing as Keith smiles innocently up at me. "Just, be careful."

     I wake up on the left side of Keith who is peacefully asleep and curled into a ball. I kiss his forehead and his eyebrows twitch. I get out of bed, trying not to wake him up, and head down to the Caf. People still in pajamas are already awake and eating breakfast. I walk barefooted over to the Pilot table with a blueberry muffin in my hand and say good morning to everyone. Mel takes both of my hands and starts jumping up and down. "Only five more months until we reach Arus!"
So I tried to write smut sorta kinda, any feedback? Good? Bad?

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