Chapter 1 Percy

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Percy's point of view.

Although I hated to admit it I was exhausted; after creating and controlling the storm with Jason, and then the skolopendra attacked I was worn out. On top of all of that, I couldn't understand why the Ichtyocentaurs didn't want to talk to me. After we finished all the repairs to the ship I stayed on deck to watch as we sailed towards the Mediterranean.

After a while, I noticed a storm ahead of us, and I called everyone to the deck to discuss what we should do about it. When everyone arrived on deck I pointed out the quickly approaching storm.

Hazel groaned and asked, "how are we supposed to avoid that it's huge?"

I asked Leo "is there any way we can avoid that and if not could the ship stand up to going through it?"

Leo went to the helm and started typing on his keyboard. As I watched him I wondered how Leo could even control the ship with all the gadgets he had added to it.

Festus turned to face Leo and started making noises that I couldn't understand.

Leo turned and said to us, "Festus says that the storm is too wide to avoid, and as for the ship standing up to the storm I am not sure most of it is celestial bronze so I would think that it could handle it, my only concern would be being blown off course since those are some strong winds. The gods must be in a seriously bad mood."

"Percy, Jason is there any way that you guys could make that storm smaller or something?"

"After the roman attack and then shrimpzilla I could hardly control a wave," I admitted.

Right afterward Jason said that he wasn't in any better shape than I was. Even if I was at full strength I probably couldn't do it. I could make water do many things, but making a storm that my dad was responsible for go away probably was more than Jason or I could handle. I said, "We have no choice we will have to go through it."

I glanced at Annabeth to see if she had any better ideas, she didn't. Everyone agreed that we had no other choice but to go through it. When this decision was reached Hazel groaned again and headed downstairs to her cabin. I could understand why she would rather not go through the storm; I knew that she would get horrible seasickness. When  Hazel, Frank, and I  were on our quest to free the death god, Thanatos, she had gotten seasick in a rowboat on calm waters. I felt kind of sorry for her since I knew that going through the storm would be particularly rough.

Everyone except for me and coach hedge went below decks to their cabins. I stayed to keep watch while coach hedge insisted on staying for the ride when they reached the storm. I thought to myself, that goat is an awful adrenaline junkie. we reached the storm later that night; I remained on deck to watch and try to ease the crashing waves as best I could in my weakened state. Jason also came back to try to ease the raging winds, but in the end, neither of us could do much since we hadn't fully recuperated from the day's fighting. In the end, we were blown off course and even Leo couldn't get us turned around.

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