Chapter 14

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This and part of if not all of the next chapter will include a lot of talking, but I promise more action should be coming soon. 

Percy's point of view

The day before Brom had come to the ship and given us money to purchase horses and explained the currency system here. He also told us that we would probably be leaving the next day. Brom said that the next morning he and Eragon would come to the ship and help them break into groups to travel in. We were now packing whatever we thought we would need. Annabeth and I, Hazel and Frank and Piper and Jason had gone to purchase the horses and the tack for them I led the horse that Leo would be riding while Frank led the Coache's horse although it would be difficult the coach would have to try and ride so we wouldn't attract attention.

We packed the enchanted plates leaving the cooler because it would be too large and of course we packed our weapons and other magic items that we had been given by the gods. Annabeth had taken her Yankees cap even though at the moment it wasn't working. our dragons were no longer small enough to fit in their bags so they would have to fly high in the air so they wouldn't be seen. Brom and Eragon showed up while we were packing. Brom told us that we would be going to Dras-Leona, and that in order to not draw attention they would travel in two groups of three and one group of four that would stay a slight distance away from each other so it wouldn't seem like they were traveling together.

We will catch up to each other at night. There will be a rider in each group "Gleeson hedge,"

The coach looked at them, "you will travel with Annabeth and piper." And then he said, "Jason you will be traveling with me and Eragon." And then he said the rest of you will be traveling in a group of four. So after they finished packing they headed back into the city and then out the main gate. I was worried that we wouldn't be let through. The guards must have been bored because they had let us through without difficulty.

Eragon's point of view

As we were leaving the city I saw movement in the shadows, I looked again and saw Solembum following us. After we had left the city behind I asked Brom, "what are werecats?"

Brom looked surprised by the question he said, "why the sudden curiosity?"

I just said, "I heard someone mention them in Teirm they aren't real are they?"

Brom said, "they are quite real. During the rider's years of glory, they were as renowned as the dragons. Kings and elves kept them as companions-yet the werecats were free to do what they chose. Very little has ever been known about them I'm afraid that their race has become rather scarce recently."

"Could they use magic?" I asked.

Brom said, "no one's sure but they could certainly do unusual things. They always seemed to know what was going on and somehow or another manage to get themselves involved."

"What's Helgrind?" I asked.

Brom just said, "you will see when we get to Dras-Leona."

I shouted with my mind, "Saphira!"

my mental shout was so strong that Cadoc flicked his ears in annoyance. Saphira answered and sped toward us with all her strength. Brom, Jason and I watched as a dark blur rushed from a cloud, then we heard a dull roar as Saphira's wings flared open. The sun shone behind the thin membranes turning them translucent, silhouetting the dark veins. She landed with a blast of air. Her sudden arrival spooked Jason's horse; I entered the animal's mind and calmed the horse using words from the ancient language. After I had succeeded at calming the animal I tossed Cadoc's reins to Brom and said, "I'll join you for lunch."

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