Chapter 16

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A/N  To anyone who actually gives a schist about this fanfic, I'm sorry this took so long. I've had writer's block on it for quite a long time. and there's been a lot of other things going on in my life. call this a Christmas gift if you celebrate that, if not Happy Holidays. 

Jason's point of view

As we were trying to escape the urgals I was riding alongside Brom I looked at him and said "we have no choice we have to stop and fight. We can't outrun them; the horses are tired as it is."

Percy who was on the other side of Brom said: "He's right they won't stop complaining about their aching hooves and how tired they are. There are ten of us not counting our dragons, and even though our weapons won't work here our powers still will. I think we can take them,"

Coach Hedge piped up agreeing with Percy and me. Brom seemed to consider what we had said,and eventually replied, "You know your abilities better than I do, but I am warning you Urgals are tough opponents. I don't really know what you have faced before, but I agree that fighting is our only option, so we will fight but be careful,"

The change in plans was relayed to everyone including Eragon and Saphira who were still flying. We pulled our horses to a halt and dismounted; when we turned around to face the urgals we could see that they were rather ugly brutish creatures with curved horns on their heads.

Frank transformed into a elephant and charged at them. Once or twice I called down lightning, I used the winds to pull one of the Urgals' own weapons away from them and started using it against them. Piper managed to charmspeak some of them into fighting each other instead of us. Much to Brom's annoyance Eragon and Saphira landed and Eragon tried to use magic the remaining urgals. Leo threw fireball after fireball, and after he started to tire from using his powers so much, he pulled something out of his toolbelt and threw it at the urgals. It wasn't long before I realised that he must have thrown a vial of Greek fire. Although that would certainly help us win, I was also concerned that it would burn down half the forest before it went out.

It wasn't long before with Brom's help we had taken care of them all. It seemed like Eragon had used too much strength when he'd used magic against the urgals because he'd gone unconscious.

We went back to our horses and continued to ride until we found a new place to camp. After we set up camp, we had dinner finally and Brom was taking care of Eragon since he hadn't returned to consciousness. Some of us fought just for something to do. I told the rest of the seven what Brom had said earlier. It seemed like Annabeth remembered at least some of what I told them from reading the book about Eragon, but their might have been a few details she'd forgotten.

Brom taught Percy, and Annabeth for a bit, checking on Eragon every so often, and after a while, we all went to sleep Percy and Annabeth were lying beside each other while their dragons lay beside them. The next day we

continued to travel toward Dras-Leona. I really wasn't sure what to expect once we got there, but all I knew was that we would need to get new weapons as soon as possible. That evening passed similar to the last one, except at one point during the evening Eragon had said he was going for a walk, Brom had protested but Eragon had promised he would be careful. I wasn't sure why he wanted to go for a walk and I was slightly concerned about him getting hurt or lost, but I didn't try and talk him out of it or stop him.

Eragon wasn't gone long and he seemed fine, if a bit confused after he returned. I suspected he'd done something else besides walking while he was gone, I just didn't know what that was. More days passed as we continued to travel toward Dras Leona, nothing major happened during that time we just traveled and trained, not doing much else besides what you would expect. Basically things the author thinks you would find boring. We did overhear a conversation between Eragon and Brom about a dream eragon had of an imprisoned woman, and how he'd apparently also scryed her, whatever that meant.

By the time we reached Leona Lake it was spring, so Percy and Annabeth's dragons had grown quite a bit, now just like saphira does they have to fly most of the time, even more now than they used to. At least they're big enough to hunt for themselves now. the day after we reached the lake, Eragon and Sphira swam for a little while, Percy didn't bother joining them although I'm not sure why.

After that we continued traveling, and that evening we sparred, while Brom and Eragon did the same. It seemed from what we had overheard that Eragon might have finally beat Bbrom.

We continued traveling along the lakeside, and we eventually reached Fesaloft, despite it being a small village on the lakeside, it seemed it had a smith who also forged weapons, so we were finally able to get new weapons. that eased our nerves somewhat but sometimes we still couldn't help but worry that we may never get back home, and if we did the war against Gaea might already be lost by the time we get there.

as much as we wanted to help Eragon, Saphira and Brom, we still had our own war to fight back home and as long as we're he we would probably never forget that.

After our brief stop there we continued on until a couple travelers informed us that Dras Leona was only a days ride ahead of us.After I got up the next morning, I could tell that Eragon was eager to reach Dras Leona, and although he never said it out loud I think he was looking forward to finally finding the creatures who had killed his uncle so he could get revenge on them by killing them.

After we reached Dras Leona I coudn't help but be kind of disgusted by the city, especially after I found out that slavery was still a thing here. but even before that, Just how the city looked caused me to frown. and when brom told us about the religion the people there practiced, my mood didn't get any better. sure the ancient Greeks and Romans had sacrificed animals to the gods, but they almost never sacrificed people, and they certainly didn't cut off their limbs just for their "god"

Anyway, I just hoped we wouldn't have to stay in the city for too long. we eventually found an inn and got some rooms to stay in. They weren't great but they certainly could have been worse. After we all ate. Eragon and Brom went to the bar and drank, although most of us probably could have we didn't go with them, not just because of coach hedge, but also because we knew we should keep a clear head in case something went wrong. even if everything was fine tonight we would be better off not having hangovers tomorrow.

The next morning we regrouped and we all went out to try and help eragon and Brom gather information on where the Ra'zac might be living in the city. That evening after we returned to the inn and everyone told what they found out Brom revealed that he had found out that the king was coming to the city later in the week. That alone made it clear that we would have to get this over with quickly. as the discussion continued Brom explained that every full moon slaves were sent outside the city with seithr oil and other supplies. this made it clear that the ra'zac had to be in either Helgrind, or somewhere nearby.

After Eragon suggest that he and Brom could take the place of the slaves, Brom was against the idea but as he considered it more it seemed he thought the idea might work. He said, "Still, it's an intriguing idea. If it were done with Saphira and the others hidden nearby and a..." His voice trailed off. "It might work, but we'll have to move quickly . With the king coming there isn't much time."

Eragon asked, "Should we go to Helgrind and look around? It would be good to see the land in daylight so we won't be surprised by any ambushes."

Brom fingered his staff. "That can be done later. Tomorrow I'll return to the palace and figure out how we can replace the slaves. I have to be careful not to arouse suspicion, though-I could easily be revealed by spies and courtiers who know about the Ra'zac."

not long after that their conversation ended, but that was just Brom and Eragon's conversation, Annabeth told us all to meet her in one of the other rooms. I wasn't sure what she wanted to talk about, but to say I was surprised once she told us would be an understatement. She said, "If tomorrow happens the same way it did in the book Eragon will be ambushed in the cathedral by the ra'zac, and just as he and Brom think they have escaped they are ambushed again, and Brom is killed.

We all Gaped at her in surprise, "We have to try and prevent it," she continued, " at least one of us will go with Eragon, if he argues, insist, later after we're all out of the city Frank you should transform into some kind of night animal, like an owl and keep watch so we can try and prevent the second ambush.

We continued discussing plans so we could hopefully prevent Brom's death. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2019 ⏰

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