Chapter 3 Annabeth

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Annabeth's point of view

It seemed like we had been in that storm for days and Percy and Jason could do little to ease it. At this point, even I was freaking out. None of us had gotten much sleep and Hazel was even worse since she had been seasick the whole time. Coach Hedge had nearly gone overboard a couple of times and now his cabin smelled like wet goat fur. One morning it seemed like we were finally exiting the storm. thankfully the ship escaped with minimal damage, a few of the oars were broken but for the most part, the ship was intact. Even though Percy's nautical senses seemed to be working again they proved that the ship had gone well off course. Everyone was worried especially Hazel who was really worried that we wouldn't make it to Rome in time to save Nico.

we started to see land not too far away with numerous other ships docked there. I said, "Percy are you sure you can't figure out how to get back?" 

Percy replied," I am sure, I can tell we are far from where we first entered the storm, once we entered the storm though it was like my nautical senses went haywire. I couldn't tell where we were at all, now that we have left the storm behind I know the coordinates of where we are, but I don't have a clue what that place is, I don't know how to get back either."

 We should probably call the others to discuss what to do. I suspect that storm was no coincidence it was probably put in our way on purpose. It was either to prevent us from completing the quest, or for some other reason that I have not figured out yet. I suspect that it was sent by Someone working for Gaea." I said. 

Percy and I called the rest of the seven and coach hedge up on deck to discuss what to do next. When the rest of the group arrived Percy asked Leo to see if he could figure out a way back by using Festus and the other gadgets that were installed on the ship.

Leo walked to the helm, and as the others watched it seemed like he was trying all the gadgets he had when he finally turned around he said, "I can't understand why but it isn't working. I got the coordinates of where we are,"

 "but you don't know what that place is or how to get back," Percy finished.

 "That's right," Leo agreed.

 "That's all I get with my nautical abilities too," Percy said. 

I could tell that Hazel was really freaking out now after this news and it was clear that she was still not over her seasickness.

I said, "The only conclusions that Percy and I came up with were that we will have to pull up to that dock like a normal ship, I would guess that that is a mortal city so they will probably think this ship looks a lot like the others. At first, we should stay on board and look from there and then if necessary we will send someone to get more information about where we are. I imagine the best person for this task would be frank since he could turn into a seagull and then turn back into himself in order to try and talk to some of the people."

Everyone agreed to this plan after coach hedge argued that he should go and if the person didn't give them the information they needed he would let them know what his baseball bat felt like. Eventually, we managed to convince him that Frank was the better choice and that threatening someone wasn't the best way to get information. When we were quite close to the other ships Leo said, "don't those ships look oddly old-fashioned to you?"

 Percy said, you are right about that, and modern cities don't usually have huge walls around them either."

I said, "You are both right but I still believe that our plan is the best option, Frank could change into a seagull or something so no one will be suspicious and then fly down and try to talk to someone."

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