Chapter 7

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Annabeth's point of view.

After we had finished discussing the day's events everyone went to our cabins I was worried about what I would see when I fell asleep. All demigods always had vivid dreams. our dreams could show us what our enemies were doing, a friend who was in danger, or the gods could communicate with us through our dreams. our enemies could also use our dreams to try and frighten us or to try and make us lose hope. Recently I had been having dreams that hinted at what I would face when we reached Rome.I had been trying to avoid telling the others, partially because most of the dreams had to do with the mark of Athena quest which I would have to take alone, and partially because I didn't want the others, and especially  Percy to worry about me any more than they already were.

When I finally fell asleep, I didn't have a dream right away, but when I did it certainly wasn't what I expected to see.  It showed me and Percy in the woods somewhere, however, the forest was unfamiliar to me so I wondered if it was somewhere here in Alegasia. As Percy and I walked through the woods, I worried that we would get lost. Finally, after walking a fair distance we came to a pond. After that, it was as if Percy was drawn to it. He yelled for me to follow him. I did and as we got closer to it I saw two round shapes in the bottom of the pond. As I saw this Percy put his hand in the water as if to remove the objects. After I saw this, the dream ended leaving me rather confused.

Shortly after the first, I had a second dream. I was in a strange place, it looked as if a mountain had been hollowed out, and there was a large hole at the top that allowed some light to enter the strange place.  To either side of me were other people and smaller people, most of them men, that must be dwarves. Beside me stood what looked like a dragon, however, it was only slightly taller than I was which must mean that it was still rather young. Its scales were a gray colour, and for some reason, I felt affection toward the creature.

I looked around for Percy and the others, Percy was a short distance away with another dragon that was taller than he was.I saw one of the strange creatures with horns that we were all fighting swing an ax at Percy. I watched the scene, somewhat worried, but since it was a dream I couldn't help him. regardless I knew that Percy could handle himself, and as long as he didn't do something stupid he would probably be fine. 

At first, Percy didn't seem to do anything to stop the axe, but at the last second, I saw a ball of sea green light fly from Percy's had and hit the creature In front of him. I had to quickly return my attention to what was in front of me When I saw a sword swinging toward my head. momentarily forgetting that it was a dream I  quickly attempted to parry the weapon with my knife. before the weapon could hit me the dream ended leaving me even more confused than I was before. After I woke up I was also slightly worried and especially confused. It was rare for me to be this confused, and when I was confused it wouldn't usually take long to figure out what was going on and make a plan.

I considered waking Percy to tell him about the dreams; I laid there and thought about it for a minute before I  finally decided that I would, if only because he had been in both of them. Besides, I might not get a chance to in the morning if that guy and his supposed uncle showed up. I got up and went to Percy's cabin going as quietly as possible. I didn't want Coach Hedge to freak out again like when Percy and I had fallen asleep in the stables. I opened the door, walked in and shoved Percy's shoulder he muttered a bit but he didn't wake up.

When that didn't work I kissed him, his eyes flew open and he jumped up.

 "Annabeth?" he asked.

" yes, seaweed brain," I replied. 

"Why did you come here?" he asked me,"I am happy to see you, but don't you remember how coach freaked out the last time,"

 I replied, "Yes I realize that coach would freak if he found us. But I had two dreams that left me confused."

 "Wow," Percy said, "It takes a lot to confuse you, wise girl,"

 "Exactly I replied, "and not just that, you were in both of them with me. I felt I should tell you now since we might not get a chance in the morning,"

Percy nodded understanding. He said, "tell me then, what were we doing in your dreams?"

I told him about both of the dreams, then I said, "when I thought about them I believe that the places where we were in the dreams must be here in Alegasia since they didn't look like any of the places I had heard of back home."

 Percy replied, "from what you described I will agree with you on that, they don't sound like any place I have heard of before." "you said in the first dream that I reached for some things in the bottom of a pond, could you tell what they were?"

I replied,  "No, I couldn't tell what they were the dream ended before I got close enough to see them clearly. Whatever they were they seemed to be round, and they seemed to sparkle where the light hit them. I have no idea what they were,"

 Percy asked,  "you said that in the second dream we were in a battle fighting strange creatures and that there were dragons there and they weren't trying to kill us?"

I replied, "No the dragons were standing beside us and helping us fight the strange creatures.

"Didn't you say earlier that the guy in the story about this place found a dragon's egg and then he became a dragon rider?" Percy asked me.

"Yes", I replied, "he did find the egg and mistook it for a gemstone, he tried to sell it but no one would buy it. Eventually, it hatched for him."

 Percy said, "uh Annabeth could those things I reached for in your first dream be dragon eggs?"

 I replied,  "maybe but if that is the case that would make the dragons in the second dream...

"our dragons," Percy finished. 

"Annabeth," Percy said, "could we have been sent here because we were meant to become riders too?"

I replied, "let's not think about this anymore tonight I think that if this uncle and nephew prove to be trustworthy we will mention it to them once we find out more about them,"

 "You mean once we find out if they are the pair from the story," Percy said. 

"Yes," I replied. "We will talk about this more in the morning," I said again before I headed back to my cabin. before long I fell back to sleep, and I slept peacefully for the rest of the night.

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