Chapter 6

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Jason's Point of View

When Frank returned to the Argo two he yelled to Leo to move the ship away from the docks and to stop at the beach instead. Leo started doing what he had asked but asked frank why we needed to move. Frank said," I will tell everyone when they get here."

They called the rest of us on deck to hear what he had found out. I looked at frank and said, "Okay frank tell us what you found out."

Frank replied, "As you already know I turned into a seagull as you suggested. I flew into the city and landed on the roof of one of the houses. I stayed there until I saw the guy I was going to ask.

I flew off the roof and landed in an alley that was behind him and transformed back into myself."

I asked him, "Who was this guy that you spoke to and how much did you tell him about us?"

Frank replied, "I was getting to that, he looked to be about fifteen, when we introduced ourselves He said his name was Evan, When I asked him where I was he said that the City is called Teirm."

From the look on Annabeth's face when frank said that, it looked like she had recognized the name, so I asked her, "Annabeth have you heard of this place before?"

She said, "Yes, it's from a book I read once. Not all the books in the Athena cabin are about Architecture. There were ancient greek copies of this fiction series that I read since I thought they sounded interesting. At the time I assumed the books were complete fiction, but now..."

When she paused, I blurted, "So you are saying that there is a book about this place!"

Annabeth said, "It seems like it."

"What was the book called?" Piper asked.

"I think it was called Eragon. It's been a while since I read it, but that was the name of the main character. Eragon was a young farm boy who finds a dragon egg and becomes a dragon rider. They were powerful people who kept peace in the land for many years until one of them went bad and with a group of other riders he had convinced to help him, he killed all the other riders and their dragons. Once he thought all the other riders not including his allies were dead the bad rider took over the throne and made himself king over most of the land."

Leo blurted, "Most of the land? Don't most villains want to take over all of it?"

Annabeth Replied, "Yes but if I remember correctly there was a small country of humans that he failed to take over, and he never managed to take over the elves and dwarves. And I also believe that there was a rebel group that continued to fight against him."

I asked her, "Okay but how did you recognize the name of this city?"

She answered, "if what I remember is correct when Eragon finds the egg the evil king still rules the land. He flees his hometown to protect his friends and neighbors from the king's evil servants. Eragon leaves to get revenge by killing the evil servants that killed Eragon's uncle. The village storyteller discovers the truth about Eragon and insists on going with him. I believe the storyteller's name is Brom. During their journey, they lose the evil servants' trail, they stop in this city to go through the shipping records to find out where the servants live."

Percy said, "So you are saying that those two could be in the city right now. And that the main character Eragon could have even been the kid Frank spoke to earlier."

After he said this Annabeth said, "Now that you mention that I think they did use fake names while they were here."

Frank's eyes bugged he said, "What, do you remember what names they used?" Annabeth thought for a minute, "I think Eragon used the name Evan, and Brom used the name, Neil."

When he heard, this Frank looked even more shocked, he said, "When we finished talking the guy said that he would have to talk to his uncle Neil to see how he could help us further. Do you think that it is them?"

"Well, I don't really believe in coincidences," Percy said.

I said, "Let's not worry about whether a book is fiction or not right now, Frank what else did this Evan say?"

Frank continued saying, "He said that this land is called Alegasia, and he suggested that we move the ship because this is a busy merchant city and that a lot of ships come and go. He commented that he didn't know how I had gotten through the gates since I looked so different from everyone else around here."

"That's exactly why we sent you in the first place; you were able to get in without attracting attention. Did he say anything else?" Annabeth asked.

Frank replied, "He said that he would talk to his uncle to see if they could help us further, if the decided they could they were going to come to us. Now, we can all go to bed I don't suppose they will come until tomorrow morning. And if they do come let's not mention the book, just in case they don't know about it. We shouldn't mention their real names either if they decide to trust us they might tell us themselves."

Leo said, "I will stay on deck a while longer just in case they show up. I will also work on fixing the damage to the ship, and try and see if I can find a way back."

At first coach hedge refused to go below decks but eventually we managed to convince him to head down to his cabin. As he headed down I thought to myself. I have had a lot of crazy experiences, but this might Just top the list.

Brom's point of view

I was frustrated, we hadn't been able to convince Brand to let us see the records. we had tried everything we could think of to convince him and he had refused everything we offered him. When Eragon returned, he asked if we had gotten access to the records. I told Eragon that we hadn't Brand had even refused bribes, I had never seen a noble like him.

I told Eragon that I would use the next week and teach him how to read, so he could help us with their search. When we were heading to our bedrooms, Eragon asked if we could speak in private. we headed into Eragon's room and closed the door and the curtains, once we had done that Eragon said, "When I was walking around the city a young man that looked to be around my age walked up to me. He asked where he was. I told him that this city was called Teirm. He looked like he wasn't from here, he said that he had been traveling with some friends, but their ship had been blown off course by a storm and they had ended up here.

They had never heard of Alegasia before. The guy told me his name was Frank, when I told him mine I used the fake name that we had decided on. I suggested they move their ship, due to the number of ships that come and go from here. He said that they thought they might have ended up here for a reason. I said that I would have to ask you about it but if we came up with a way to help them further that we would come to their ship instead of them coming to find us. I don't know how Frank even got through the gates His clothes were nothing like what we wear here.

When I went to see Saphira we talked about it. She thought that if fate brought them here they might be meant to help in the fight against Galbatorix. We thought that as long as, we stay in Teirm they will have to stay on the ship but we thought that when we leave two of them could come with us while the rest continue to travel on their ship to Surda where they could learn where the Varden are."

"How many of them are there could we take them all with us?" I asked him. Eragon replied, "There are eight of them including frank. We figured that if they all traveled with us we would attract too much attention. And we would have to buy more horses; Saphira could only carry two people at most."

I thought about what Eragon had said. I finally said, "I fear that we must take them with us. We don't know for sure why they ended up here, you may be right they may very well go to the Varden in the future but they must do so by choice not because we talked them into it. We will have to buy them some clothes so they will blend in when we leave we will have to separate into smaller groups to avoid attention. But before we make a decision I want to meet these people for myself. We will go to them in the morning and when we get back I will start to teach you how to read." 

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