Chapter Three, Ponyboy

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(Hey guys, sorry it took so long for this one to come out.  I didn't mean to procrastinate.  Or just wait so long to publish.  I'm so sorry lovelies.  Shout out to My_Writing_Sucks, first comment!  I'll make this one seem interesting enough for you guys to actually read it.)

First hour was boring as hell.  Second hour wasn't any better.  Third hour was were it got interesting.  Third hour is my art class, and where I got introduced to Dean Winchester.  The buff, green eyed god.  He had a purple flannel rolled up exposing his forearms.  oh my god it's like arm porn.

"Thanks.. Mr. Crowley, for that, brief introduction.  I'll just take the empty seat."  I didn't bother looking around because I saw a few empty seats.  He came towards me.  Why is he coming this way? No, no, no, no.  Please no.  The seat next to me turns out to be empty, I never really noticed that until now.

"Go ahead Winchester.  You have to have a drawing notebook by the end of this week."  Crowley said to the beautiful male.

"Sure thing toots.  I'll get one soon." He replied to the annoying, forgetful teacher.  He plopped himself next to me, causing me to close my drawing notebook, scoot over, and tense up.  He looked at me and chuckled.  He whispered to me, "I don't bite, unless you like it that way," he winked at me and looked at Crowley.

Heat rose up into my cheeks and it took all of my ability not to stare at the muscular figure sitting next to me.  There have been a few where I caught HIM staring at me. 

After a while Dean started to get a little restless and tried to get my attention.  "Come on, notice me.  Look at me again.  Know that I am here."  He poked my side.  With that I shot him a death glare.

"Don't you dare touch me, Winchester."  I hissed.  "Don't ever do that again.  Got it?"  He chuckled.  Does this boy think that this is a challenge?!  This calls for an emotional barrier.  Like a severe one.  "I truly mean it.  The only time you can, is if you accidentally do it, or I give you permission.  Which I highly doubt that I would give you permission."

"Ok, ok.  You're a feisty one aren't you?"  He snickered.  "You'll give me permission one day.  I'm not sure what day that would be.  But you will.  I promise you that you would."

I shot him a death glare.  "Unless you want your head to be severed and your blood used as syrup on my pancakes, you should shut up."  Emotional barrier set.

He chuckled and softly smiled, "I bet a sweetheart like you couldn't do such a thing... You're too cute to do so.  Way too cute.  These little threats don't work on me cupcake.  They don't work at all.  You can continue to try, but you will never succeed."  That was a strike at the emotional barrier.  And man, what a powerful strike.  Now the barrier is now in pieces on the floor of my mind.

"Ok, listen here bud.  1)  I'm not cute, nowhere near it.  2)  You don't know me.  I could have put an innocent civilian in the hospital, and you wouldn't even know... and 3) You're going to dislike me, hell maybe even hate me sooner or later.  Don't get attached."

"Why would I hate you?  That's a little concerning."

"Oh dear Lord.  You don't know the future do you?.." 

He cut me off.  "And neither do you.  For all we know, I could fall in love with you, and amazing things could happen between us."  He got me there.  

"Please just keep your distance.  Don't waste your time with me... Some people regret it majorly.  I don't want you to be one of them.  I'm not important."  He sat there staring blankly at me.  "There."  I stop talking to him and look at Crowley, listening to his art lectures.

There have been a few times that I would look in Dean's general direction and he'd be doing something odd.  He'd be doodling something cute, or something.  Every time I would shrug it off.

The class was taking forever.  Gladly the bell rang, but it was in the middle of Crowley's sentence.  He needs to work on his time management skills.  Like damn.  "Children sit you happy asses down.  I didn't dismiss you.  I'll cut to the chase and give you the assignment ok?  It's all in this packet.  The partners are on the back of the last sheet.  You have a week to finish the project.  Good luck.  You'll need it."  We all groaned as he passed out the packets.  "It would be wise if you see your partner during your lunch period.  Oh.  And since Mr. Winchester has joined our class, we have an even number and won't have a person working in a group of three, or by themselves."  The art teacher looked directly at me when he said that.

"Terrific."  I muttered under my breath.  

"You may leave now."  I stayed behind and looked at the back of the packet.  No.  This can't happen.  This can't happen.  Apparently Dean was still sitting next to me.  He chuckled.

"Howdy partner."  He slipped a piece of paper into my pocket.  "Meet me here after school.  3:30 to be exact.  See you later Ponyboy"  Crowley chuckled and muttered something under his breath that sounded like a "I will not regret this."

I gathered my stuff quickly and bolted out of there.  I need to find Charlie.  This plan has to happen.  Sooner the better.

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