Chapter ten, the truth about the bruise

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We dropped Sam off first and we headed to our school.  

"How was your day yesterday?"

I don't want to talk about my day.  I tried to shake my head to tell him that I didn't want to talk about it. 

"Please talk to me Cas.  I am asking because I want to know what happened for you to have recieved the bruise.  And don't tell me the bullshit lie that you tried to tell Sam."  He looked at me with a look of concerned.  

I can feel my eyes burning.  I can feel the tears threatening to fall.  I shook my head again.  "Rough family.  I was late coming home and father didn't.."  I had to cover my mouth.  I feel like I said too much.  

Dean pulled over to the side of the road.  "Cas, it's ok, you can tell me.  I won't tell anybody else.  It's safe with me."

"F-father didn't like me c-coming home late.  He decided to punish me for disobeying his rules.  He hit a little harder than other times.. but th-this isn't the hardest that he's hit."  Yet again my hand traveled to my arm, squeezing it lightly.  I felt a few tears fall, but I didn't care.  "B-but I'm p-pretty sure I deserved it anyways.."

"Cas, in what world would you deserve this abuse?"  The last word stung.  This isn't abuse, this was punishment for failing to follow his rules.  

"I-it's not abuse."  I struggled to speak.  He was teaching me a lesson.  He was putting me back into my place.  

"Cas... sweetheart.. I'm here for you."  Tears were falling from my face, and Dean placed a hand on my shoulder to console me.  I quickly shrugged off the shoulder and mumbled 'please don't touch me.'  He replied with a soft 'sorry' and started driving again.


Charlie didn't react nicely to it.  She hugged me tightly, making me wince and whimper.  My head is starting to hurt again. 

I don't think I'm going to talk much at all today.  Everything just hurts, and I can't really deal with it either.  I told Charlie this and she understood.  So I spent most of my classes drawing and ignoring the outside world.

During art though, I spoke to Dean a little.  He seemed sweet and spoke softly.  I still don't feel very well mentally or physically.  He's helped a little.  He even sat down with us at lunch.  Emma huffed and walked away when that happened though.  I don't know what's up with her, maybe she's jealous.  Yeah, she's just jealous.  It's not like her and I are friends anyways.  She's not the kind of person that I would hang around, but we do share a few common interests.  


C:  My face hurts.

D: I bet it does.  A hit like that hurts like hell, baby doll.

I blushed lightly at that.  I'm home now, all my work is done but Dean and I didn't work together after school this time.  That's okay though.  He seems really nice.  

C:  Oh, so I'm baby doll now?

D: Do you want it to be baby doll, sweet pea?

C:  This nicknames are really throwing me off.  I don't really get this kind of attention.  If I do get attention it tends to be negative and not so nice.  This feels weird.

D:  Cas, you deserve so much more than you give yourself credit for.

I don't believe him.  Why would I believe him.  I've lived on this idea that I'm getting what I deserve, but if it's positive it was supposed to be aimed toward somebody else.  I guess that's how it goes now.  

C:  Why do you say that?  You barely know me, fren.  I'm sorry, Dean.  You don't know what you're getting yourself into.

(I came up with this on the spot.  Sorry that it's shit.  I need to edit it.)

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