Below the Belt

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Put your seatbelt on prepare yourself for what's about to go down!!!! Vote and comment! Love ya❤️

Kaydence's POV

"Shid, I guess we can get a room down here until like Monday or Tuesday or some shit. Sound good?"

"Or we could just stay at Dani's." Los said just as we were about to pull out of her driveway. "I mean... if she lets me, I'm down." I put the car back in park and he hopped out. In the same second, my phone began vibrating. Ayriel's name came across the screen and I picked it up. It slipped my mind that her pops was being an asshole with MY child but I wasn't gon' mention it though.

"Kaydence, please tell me you're in Baltimore! I need you to go get Karcyn from my dad's, please!"

"Ayo Los, I'll be right back bro!" I yelled out my window while pulling out of the driveway.

"What the fuck is going on man? You know I'll kill yo fucking dad yo." I was doing 80 in a 40 but I didn't give a damn. "H- I don't know, just go get her. Please." She was crying now.

"What you crying for?" I pushed harder on the gas, going 90 now. "How close are you Kaydence?"

"I'm here now." I hung the phone up and jumped out of the car. I ran up to his door and could hear Karcyn crying her heart out. I tried twisting the knob but it was locked so I kicked it open, she started crying harder. The house's aroma was of beer and what had to be crack.

Karcyn was crawling around the house in just a pamper. She began crawling in my direction when she saw that it was me. I scooped her up and roamed around the house, looking for her bags so we could get the fuck out of here.

I went from room to room and all were empty except for the last. Mr. George laid flat out on a floor mattress. I wanted to stomp his brains out but decided not to since I didn't know what had happened. I grabbed Karcyn's bag which was next to him and headed out.

"Wait a mothafuckin' minute. What you doing with her?" He struggled to sit up in the bed with his eyes wide open, high off of his hit. Karcyn hadn't stopped crying yet.

"Man fuck you. You hear my damn daughter crying in this bitch and you too high to even bother to see what the fuck is wrong with her. Fuck you mane." I slammed the room door shut and made my way out to my car.

Karcyn's car seat wasn't even there so I was about to drive with her in my lap. As soon as I got to Dani's, if something was wrong with my baby I was gon make another trip and blow this old fuck nigga's brain out.

I called Ayriel back as I maneuvered through traffic with Karcyn still crying. "Karcyn won't stop fucking crying. Ayriel I swear to god, if that man did something to her I mig- How you knew something was wrong?"

"He wouldn't answer the phone."

"Yeah, well I'll call you back in a few minutes man." I hung the phone up and shook my head in disappointment. Ayriel was one of the dumbest bitches that I'd ever met. She knew what her dad was like and left it up to him to be responsible for Karcyn. If she was in my presence, I would probably slap her fucking face. I was pissed.

I pulled into Dani's driveway and grabbed Karcyn's bag as I got out of the car. I rushed up to the doorstep and knocked. Los opened it.

"Where's Dani?"

"She just went back upstairs. What's wrong?" I ignored him and made my way upstairs. I opened Dani's room door and she was in the mirror puting her hair up. I knew she was getting ready for bed.

"What's wrong with her?" She walked over to me quickly and grabbed Karcyn out of my hold. "I don't know. She ain't stop crying since I got her."

"Got her from where Kaydence?" She walked over to the bed and laid Karcyn down. I looked through her diaper bag to find her pacifier before answering Dani's question.

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