Moving On

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Daniella's POV

"All you think about is yourself! Do you know how many nights I've laid in this bed and cried myself to sleep and you were no where to be found Kaydence?" I asked him in between sobs.

"Dan-" He tried coming in to hug me but I pushed him away. For the past two weeks, he was leaving me alone and would stay out until the next day sometimes. I had no one to talk to, no one to cry to, or anything.

"Kaydence I am tired! What are we here for? You don't want this as bad as I do. . You don't care that we lost our son as much as I do so maybe my mom was right. . maybe you are destroying me."

He stood there for a few seconds before nodding, "Word. I'm glad you agreeing with her. I'm done with this shit. You can have everything." He stormed out, slamming the door behind him.

At the time, I didn't care. I was upset because because I felt alone. He was supposed to be my shoulder to cry on and when I needed him, he was out doing whatever it was that he felt was more important than me.

I didn't care then but I care now. . It's been about three months since we've last seen each other. That day, he came in, packed his stuff and told me that he loved me before leaving and never returning. I never thought I'd watch him walk out of the front door of 'our' home and never enter it again after all that we'd been through. That last argument was one that I wish I could take back.

Of course, I was feeling horrible. I was in love with Kaydence and he was on my mind every day of every week. Memories replayed in my head and I could always hear what he said to me in the hospital although he didn't mean it. "You know I got you. I got us." I thought I knew. I believed him but just like everyone always did, he failed me.

"You got the bacon burning up in the bitch Dani!" Los hollered from the living room. I didn't even feel comfortable living in this man's home but who would I look like to just leave and leave everything to someone who he probably didn't even know?

Some days I would call him. . I figured he had me blocked because it would ring a few times and then go straight to voicemail but him and Carlos talked almost every day.

"My mind is all over the place." I said, rushing over to the stove and turning the eye off.

"I need a favor sis. ." Carlos said as he walked into the kitchen behind me.

"What now Los?"

"Can you drop me off on Vermont at 3?" I sighed, "Yes Carlos. You need to start saving for a damn car."

"I am B and good look." He walked out. I checked the time on the microwave, seeing that it was already almost one and I had forgotten about my super friendly lunch date. The guys name was Hakeem, he was new to Maryland and was looking to make new friends. . I just so happened to be one of them. I was no where near over Kaydence so that meant that he and I would only be friends.

Kaydence's POV

I would've been lying if I said I didn't miss Daniella but I was moving on cause I was pretty sure that she was doing the same. For about three weeks now, me and Charity, the little jawn from Elorado had been kicking it but I made it clear that I ain't want a relationship. . We were just fucking and that was it.

I was on some totally different shit now. . Some "me" shit. . my only focuses were Karcyn and this fuckin' money. I had a lil condo downtown and was back on that street shit, working for Marvin. I was taking trips to and from New York, dropping pounds, on top of serving around Bmore. I knew that I promised to leave the drug game alone for good but shit, there were an ass of promises that I made and couldn't keep.

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