Break Up

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Daniella's POV

As much as I missed and wanted Kaydence, I couldn't have sex with him just yet. I grabbed his hands as he rubbed up and down my thighs, he looked up at my in confusion. "What you doin?"

"You said you needed to talk to me. I wanna talk first." Sighing, he sat down next to me on my bed while looking off into space, his semi hard dick showing clearly through his sweatpants. "I was going to wait..."

"Let's just do it now." I sat with my legs crossed in the bed. He looked over at me with a blank expression on his face, I couldn't read it.

"Well... I don't, I don't know how to say it Dani." He stuttered, letting me know that whatever it was that he wanted to talk about was something negative. "I promised to keep it real with you from the start so that's what Ima do."

"What Kaydence? Just tell me." I said, getting fed up. "While I was up in New York... this girl Asia, she topped me." My mind went blank and all I could hear was him telling me to 'chill' but I had every reason to spazz on him.

Kaydence's POV

"Fuck you!" Dani swung on me again, only for me to catch her fist and bear hug her. "Get off of me!" She yelled, trying to break loose.

"Just chill and I'll let you go man. Don't hit me." I pleaded. As I held her, there was an awkward silence. I knew she was crazy but this time, she was actually tryna kill a nigga.

"I'm so sick and tired of being taken advantage of." She said in a tone that was now calm, I loosened my grid on her as looked down at her.

"I want you out." She said sternly, looking up at me with tears rolling down her face. She pointed to the door but I didn't move.

"Dani don't do this to me. I don't wanna lose you."

"Fuck you. Get out." She walked back to the bed and laid down, throwing the covers over her head. So much for telling the truth...

I walked out of the room and downstairs where Carlos was in the living room watching the Olympics.

"Yo, let me holla at you now." He turned to me and reminded me that he had something to talk to me about. I walked into the living room and sat a few seats down from him on the couch.

"Mannnn, you ain't gon believe this."

"I'm pissed off cause you let that nigga get close to my girl." I stated, frowning up at him. Fuck what he was tryna say. "Bruh, I was tr-"

"Fuck that. Where you put his body at?"

"Promise not to tell my sis..." I nodded and he continued talking, "Marvin buried him in the backyard."

"What the fuck yo? Y'all niggas is fucked up!" I said loudly. I could tell that this shit was getting to Los' head. "Shhh."

"What was she up there yelling about though?"

"Some bullshit. She broke up with me." His eyes widened. "And you just got home? What you did?"

"Nothin." I said, keeping it short and simple. "I'm finna head out though. I'll fuck witcha and keep a eye on her man, for real." I dapped him and left.

The ride back to New York was full of blunts being smoked and music playing. I couldn't believe that Dani gave up on me but I knew she'd be back, hopefully. We still had unfinished business to take care of. I'd come back down tomorrow or later on in the week to try my luck and go see Karcyn.


Monday, 4:34pm

Everybody wanted to know how I got out of jail so fast. Rumor had it that I was working with the cops and I had no idea how that shit got out but if that's what I had to do to see freedom again, so be it. I pulled up into Ayriel's neighborhood and got out of my car.

I knocked on the door three times and it swung open. "Hey." She said dryly and welcomed me in.

"You said you had something important to tell me.." I reminded her of what she had said just a few hours ago over the phone. "Ohh, umm.."

"Um what? Speak up." I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned up against the door. "I lost the baby."

"Really?" I felt a small pinch of remorse for her. I pulled her into a hug and pulled away a few seconds later. "When?" She couldn't speak in between the sobs, I let her have her moment and went back to see Karcyn.

Sure, I felt bad but at the same time, I knew God wasn't gon bless her with a child that she wasn't ready for. Nor was he gon bless her with a child that she made in vain. She had to face the facts and remember how that child was conceived.

"Daddy's back!" I yelled and Karcyn came running towards me, grabbing ahold of my leg. I reached down and picked her up. Seeing her clap her hands in excitement before grabbing both sides of my face and kissing my nose made me this happiest nigga in the world.

"Somebody missed me." I kissed her on the cheek and walked back into the living room with her in hand. I felt like I hadn't been around for years. My baby was walking and trying to talk, I even missed the growing of her first teeth.

I chilled with Karcyn for about two hours while Ayriel cried in her room. The sun was setting now and I wanted the check on Dani, she was ignoring me since the other night. Sending her gifts and shit didn't seem to be working.

My pops told me to never chase a woman but with her, I had to. I really felt like I needed her. I sent her a message before pulling into her driveway:

Let me see you.

She left me on read. I sighed as I got out of my car and made my way to the porch. I rung the doorbell and waited for an answer. Nothing.

"Come on Dani, don't do this." I said to myself, as if she could hear me. The door swung open and Carlos stood.

"She's at work bro." He informed me before letting me in. "But I'm glad you came, I need some advice."

"What's good?" I followed him into the kitchen and sat at the island. "Man, you might think I'm stupid as fuck for this..."

I lit the blunt that he handed me and took a hit, "For what?" He sighed.

"So, the girl that I had over here the other day... She wants me to put her on. Instead of her working for Marvin, I was gonna let her do a lil something-something for me." I looked at him like he was crazy.

"What my nigga? Don't do no shit like that." I took a long pull and then handed him the blunt. If he knew what I knew, putting Ayriel on would be a huge mistake, especially after she found out who he really was.

Boring, I know but still... Vote & comment!

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