Pillow Talkin'

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Daniella's POV

"Now would be a great time to start looking at pools." Our midwife, Nurse Henry informed me. She'd been here for the last hour talking to Kaydence and I but He was directing all of his attention elsewhere and was barely even engaged in what we were talking about. Instead, he played around with Karcyn. Since this morning, he was keeping his distance and I really thought that he was on the verge of leaving me.

"Do you think I'd be better off with a bigger pool or one of the smaller ones?"

"Whatever is comfortable to you. Some mom's get pools big enough for the father's to get in with them but it's all up to you guys." I looked over at Kaydence and his facial expression was blank, as if he didn't even give a fuck about the conversation.

"Alright well, I'll start looking into that probably tomorrow. I work the night shift tonight."

"Have they already took you down to the six hour shift?" I nodded. "Awesome. You guys should look into the pools, I prefer going to a actual store and not online because as we all know, thing can be deceiving."

"True." Kaydence agreed. It was actually the first thing that he'd said besides when he greeted the midwife. I didn't know if he was trying to be funny or what.

"Have you experienced the morning sickness yet?"

"Only once, about two weeks ago. He doesn't like sandwiches." I chuckled. "Aww! What other things have been happening?"

"Um. . frequent urinating, that's been happening since the first trimester. Heavy sleeping, cravings, and mood swing."

"Hell yeah. Those mood swings are something serious." Kaydence butted in. Nurse Henry chuckled at his comment.

We talked for another 30 minutes before she finished up with taking down notes and then leaving. Our next visitor was the painters. The conversation with them went by pretty fast, they kind of already knew what we wanted and I didn't know what they discussed with Kaydence but he had them motivated to work.

Kaydence's POV

I was downstairs, chilling and trying to get Karcyn to take a nap so I could smoke a much needed blunt. "Da da da da." Were her last words before she started snoring lightly on my shoulder.

"Thank you." I laid her down and then headed upstairs to get a pack of backwoods and some weed.

When I got to the room, Dani was getting ready for work. We weren't on talking-terms and the tension was killing me but I wasn't about to kiss her ass. I walked past her and went for the nightstand, retrieving what I needed and then leaving out. I checked to see how far along the painters were before going back downstairs and out to the backyard.

I rolled and smoked my blunt while watching the sun set. I heard the front door close and the alarm system beep, letting me know that Daniella was headed to work. Shit was real because she ain't even tell a nigga bye. If there was one thing that would help me out, it was talking to Los. I pulled my phone out and hit his contact name, listening as the phone rung.

"Ayo, you was my bro and all but I lost all respect for you after yesterday man." He said as soon as he answered.

"Fuck you talking bout?" I knew damn well Dani didn't go telling him our business.

"We hit women now? Let alone pregnant women."

"Yo what the fuck is you talking about nigga? You sober?"

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