Kris (EXO): Worst Week Ever.

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You groaned and roll over on your bed as you feel your head throbbed with pain. You had confirmed to declare that this was the worst week in your entire life. On Monday, your boss had scolded you because someone had accused you of breaking the printer machine. Tuesday, you were way too late to come into work and almost got fired for it! Wednesday, your step-mom had came over to your house and was extremely angry that you didn’t came home to celebrate your little brother’s 13th birthday.

And Thursday was the worst out of all the days, because Kris accused you of cheating on him when he saw your older brother walk out of your apartment. You had tried to explain to him the truth but he just wouldn’t listen. And when you finally had reached your boiling point, you screamed at the top of your lungs that it was your brother. And you just shooed him out of your apartment.

Today was Friday. And now, you were sick. Not to mention, feeling like dying. Your red flag days had come and you had a fever along with the cramps. Fever and cramps were not a good combination. You groaned and moaned in pain on your bed. If Kris was here, he would take care of you but you and him just had a fight last night. And Kris was not the kind of guy that would say sorry, even if it was his fault.

You tried to think of something that could cheer you up but all that came into your mind was Kris’ angry face along with his yelling and cursing thrown to you. You could feel tears rushing down your face. You didn’t want to lose him that way but right now, you were in so much pain. But your heart hurts the most. Then, you heard the doorbell rang.

You groaned out of frustration as you crawl out of your bed and walk slowly towards the door. You scowled at the person on the other side of the door. But as you twisted the doorknob, your head starts to spin around. You didn’t care that you look like hell right now, in your old worn-out t-shirt and boxers. The moment the door opened, and your eyes laid on the tall figure, you immediately shut the door close.

But he was faster, he stuck his shoes in between the door.

“Please, _______. Let’s just talk!”

“No. Go away, Kris…” You mumbled as you tried your hardest to push the door close but you stopped when you feel the pain came back and you feel like your head was starting to fall off.

You fell down on the floor as the pain took over you. And soon enough, you saw yourself being surrounded by darkness.


          You rubbed your eyes as you sat up on the bed. The pain had became less painful than you felt this morning. You didn’t remember being in bed, though….The last thing you remembered was kicking Kris out of the apartment. Oh god…

          Kris stared at the TV as he flipped through the channels. He couldn’t help but blame himself for the pain that he had gave you. He remembered the moment when he saw your pale face, unconscious as you lay on the floor.

 It scared him to see how skinny, pale and sweating you were. He thought you were dead when he stared at you for a long time, realizing that your lips were too dry, the black circles under your eyes had become more obvious, and the way that you kept flinching in pain scared him to death.

          He put his face in his hands, regretting that he had yelled at you last night. He should have trusted you. Like you trusted him. He sighed heavily as he ran his fingers through his hair, he knew he needed to apologize. He had messed up big time this time.

“Get. Out.” Kris’ head shot up when he heard that croaked out voice.

          There you were, standing a feet away from him. Hair was matted to your face as sweat rolled down your temples. You were angry at him. Too angry.

“Baobei, please listen to me-”

“But you never did. Then, why should I? Now, just get the hell out of here.” You said as you pointed to the door,

“No. I’m not leaving you while you’re like this.” Kris said as he stood up,

“Since when do you care about me?” You hissed at him as he took a step towards you,

“I’ve always did, _______-ah…” He said as he held on your shoulders,

“What are you doing?! Get your hands off me, Kris!” You yelled at him as you struggle in his hold,

“Listen to me and I’ll let you go!” He said to you but you shook your head,

“Stop!” You exclaimed as he lean down towards you.

          And before you knew it he was kissing you fully on the lips. At first, you hit him hard as you were trying to fight off his kiss. But you couldn’t help to his irresistible kiss. And you gave in as you let out a frustrated moan that almost sounded like a whimper.

          When he finally lets you go, you panted. You could feel yourself falling down but Kris’ arms were wrapped securely around your small body.

“_________....I’m…sorry…I know what I did was wrong…I was stupid to not trust you like you had always trusted in me…Please, don’t kick me out now…Let me just take care of you and if you want to kick me out after that, you can do it.. But please, you’re sick and I can’t leave you like this…It hurts me to see you’re hurt.” Kris begged as he pulls you close to his chest.

          You couldn’t believe your ears. Kris just said sorry to you! And that was definitely a first. You push yourself out of his hold and look up at the tall man you love.

“I hate that I love you…” You grumbled and Kris smiled,

“I love you. And I’m sorry for everything I had done…” Kris said as kissed your burning forehead.

“Forgiven and forgotten…” You mumbled.

          You closed your eyes at the sweet touch of his lips. It was the worst day of your life and yet it had become the best day of your life. This week wasn’t so bad at all.

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