Sang Hoon(100%): Care Less.

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The whole class crowded around you and Sang Hoon as you glared angrily at him. You stared at your food that was being thrown onto the floor by him. You didn’t know why this was happening. He is your boyfriend and you still didn’t know why he was doing this to you. You wanted to hit him and yell at him but instead, you took a deep breath and picked up the tray and the other food.

“Yah….What do you think you’re doing? Are you still gonna eat those?! Aish…you are such a disgrace.” He spat at you.

          You didn’t like this new side of him. You missed the old Sang Hoon who was the first person to confess to you, who would do anything to make you happy, and the old Sang Hoon who was so caring about you. It had been approximately 3 weeks since he become this way. He was growing distant from you, mean to you, and everything that a girl never wanted their man to be.

          And all this happened because of a new girl that came to school 3 weeks ago and you knew that Sang Hoon was having  a crush on her. It was devastating that he changed just because of another girl. The pain was somehow slowly killing you that you knew you had to end these things with him. You held everything back but this time, you’ve had enough.

“I don’t want to be with you anymore…” You said quietly as you shut your eyes.

“What? I didn’t hear you, ________-ah…” He says.

          You look up at him, tears were brimming in your eyelids as you watch his face contorted into a worry expression. His eyebrows furrowed as he looks down at you.

“I’m breaking up with you.” You said.

          With one swift move, Sang Hoon pull your arm up and pull you out of the cafeteria. Tears were rushing down your face as he dragged you. You kept quiet as he dragged you up the stairs and the door to the rooftop opened with a loud slam. You pull your hand out of his grasp and backed away from him as he closed the door.

          The dark clouds hung over you as he stared at you. He had no emotions displayed on his face, eyes were cold as ice as he stare through you.

“What did you say…?” His voice was quiet,

“I’m…breaking up with you…” You said, slowly.

“No! I’m not letting you do that!” He yelled at you.

“STOP YELLING AT ME!” You yelled back at him.

          Sang Hoon was somehow taken aback with the way you yelled at him. He took a step back as you stared at him with tears streaming down your face,

“I-I…I don’t want you to hurt me anymore! I know that you like her so just go!” You yelled at him, putting your face in your hands.

“What are you talking about…?” He said,

          A loud sob escaped your lips as you dropped to the ground. You didn’t want to let him go. He was your first love and you knew how much the pain can kill you…The pain of losing someone you love was the one thing you always avoided.

          You could hear the thunder rumbled above you as the raindrops started to fall down. The cold wind gushed at you as the tears didn’t stop. After a few seconds, you could feel warmth engulfing you. You looked up to find Sang Hoon in front of you,

“I didn’t want to hurt you…What did I do…?” He said, caressing your tear stained cheek.

          Raindrops mixed with your tears as it trickles down your face.

“You used to walk home with me, say nice things about me….now all you do is…is hurt me…I want my old Sang Hoon back…I want my Hoonie back…” You mumbled,

          Sang Hoon knew that his behavior was changing…And it was all because of you…He never really liked you…He was just using you to get his homework done…That’s all. But his heart was throbbing in a painful way the moment you said those words…You wanted your Hoonie back…

          He tilted your chin up, forcing your eyes to meet his. His brown eyes stared deep into yours before he leaned closer. His lips brushing against yours a few times before taking your full lips into his own. You closed your eyes as another tear rolled down your cheek. His lips were warm and soft as it molded with yours.

          He had kissed you a few times…But this was different. You could feel it in the way his were moving in a slow motion. Sang Hoon was pouring his feelings out through the connection of his lips with yours. He never really realize how strong his feelings were to you. He never really liked you because he was in love with you.

          He couldn’t care less how his friends were teasing him to have a weirdo as a girlfriend. He couldn’t care less if the girl he used to have a crush on wanted him to be her girlfriend. And he couldn’t care less that the people around him was criticizing him. He shouldn’t care about all those things.

          All he cares about is you. He likes that you’re a weirdo or anything because it makes him feel special that he has a one of a kind girlfriend. A girlfriend who is willing to listen to him, talk about everything and just be with him ‘til the end. And you were the perfect girl for him.

“I love you….I love you, ________. Stay with me, please?” He begged as he rested is head in the crook of your neck.

          You swallowed the lump in your throat as your heart hammered against your chest. You brought your hand up and comb your fingers through his soft brown hair before humming in agreement. You could feel his lips pressed tenderly against your neck.

“I’m sorry…” He whispered,

“It’s okay…I love you, Hoonie…I can’t stop that.” You said quietly.

          Sang Hoon smiled as he looks up at you. Despite the fact that you were sitting under the rain with him with the possibility of getting a fever, you didn’t care because this was something that rarely happens. Kissing in the rain was something that happens only in the movies, but now, it’s in real life. Happening in your life.

It’s been a while since I updated~~Anyways, thanks for over 20K reads!!! Thank you so much!!Hope you guys would keep supporting me!! Vote and Comment! xoxo

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