uh oh

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We got home around 6pm and started getting ready I put on the out fit I found and a light amount of makeup where sam went full out on her eyeshadow tonight. While we got ready we drank some wine and beers sam agreed to let me pick my drinks tonight, without interruption.
We headed out around 10pm starting off at our local pub, jack and coke went down well, maybe a little to well.
After about two hours we headed into the night life of the town. Dancing away at the first club with sam when her face suddenly neutralises then I hear "taking time off during a busy period is unusual for you miss James" I froze and turned around slowly seeing sam walk away before making eye contact with liam my boss. Who might I add, didn't seam to happy to see me.
"Sorry, some personal matters occurred sir, my work is ready for the showing thursday and I'm back in on monday." I could tell my words where rushed and my cheeks where red, I don't know why but I did feel like I was getting told off.
"As long as your okay" he said with a nod of his head he turned to walk away. I walked towards the bar to find sam I could see her from across the bar talking to liam, I tried to read their lips but all I got was okays and yes', I thought if I got closer I might be able to hear. I moved around the people dancing hoping not to be seen, once I saw sam I realised she was alone and stuffing something into her bag.
"Hey, there you are" I acted like I'd been looking for a while.
"Sorry, I felt like it needed to be a private work matter"
"Dose he scare you?"
"A little he reminds me of an angry dad kind of guy" now sam looked like she was going to burst into laugher.
"Ill have to tell him that one day" I teased as we headed back to the dance floor.
After a few more drinks we left the club to go to another I hadn't heard of, sam said it was opening day and that's probably why I hadn't heard of it. As we approach I realised it was tickets only. "Sam we don't have tickets"
"Ahh but we do" she stated pulling two tickets out of her bag, is that what he gave her? Did he know we where at the club?
"So that's what he gave you" I said bluntly
"Yes, I did see you across the bar you know"
"How did he know where we were"
"That was just luck, I guess" she handled the security guard the tickets and he let us straight in.
Everything in the bar was black with blue lights eliminating it. The bar had a glass top and blue lights underneath lighting the floor. I loved this place just for the amount of blue that was here. I turned to sam seeing she was just as amazed.
"Glad you two could make it" Liam said with a smile.
"Thank you for inviting us how much do we owe you" I asked not making eye contact
"Nothing my brother owns this place so I've had a few free tickets, anyway have a good time" he stated before turning and walking away.
"Dose he know" Sam asked looking confuses
"Dose he know what"
"Your single"
"No, why?"
"I just thought he was acting strange" Sam said pulling me to the bar.
After what sam said I kept an eye out for liam to see if he was ever looking at me or if he was going to talk to me but he hadn't. I did see him talking to a few people but all his conversations seamed brief which wasn't like him, maybe he's different out of work.
I avoided drinking too much having work on monday I wanted to get a few more things done on saturday and sunday, but I knew I'd still have a hangover tomorrow.

Getting an idea of how this is going to go now. Thank you for reading.

Photo of liam above.

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