The morning after the night before

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As the sun shine hit my eyes, they fluttered open. I pulled the blanket over my face, to block out the light.
Shit what was that, an arm popped out from under the pillow, moved across me and pulled me back. My back hit something warm. Who was behind me I slowly turned to see liam. I jumped out of the bed with a screech. Causing him to wake up to. We both stared at each other, knowing exactly what we had done.
"Your uh not wearing anything and the curtains are well open" he awkwardly smiled scratching the back of his head. I dived back onto the bed and under the blanket.
"Where are our clothes" I asked in slight panic.
He sat up and looked around "well, there, there, there and over there" he said in a sarcastic tone.
"Go get them" I practically growled. He got up and as the blanket moved from him I saw he was also still completely naked I quickly dropped my gaze to my hand trying not to look. My head was suddenly covered by a thin blue fabric. I pulled it of my head to see it was his shirt and that he was now wearing gray joggers. "Meet you downstairs ill make breakfast, scrambled eggs, toast and bacon ?" He asked with a cute smile.
"Yes please". I pushed my arms through the sleeves and hopped off the bed while doing up some of the buttons. I looked around for my underwear, spotting my  black laced thong by the door. I walked over picked it up and pulled it on, before heading downstairs.
As I approached the kitchen I could smell coffee and bacon. Liam was just setting the bacon onto a plate.
"Smells good" I smiled
"Thank you, grab yourself a coffee and a seat" he said without looking up.
"Shall I pore you one too?" I asked while poring my own.
"Please" he smiled up at me setting the plates on the table. Handing him his coffee was sat at the table in silence.

"Please di..." I cut him off
"We need to talk, uh sorry" the tension in the room thickened.
"Please lets eat and talk" he said handing me the plate of toast. I took two pieces with a smile and let over to get some scrambled egg. "Alexa I like you but, I am your boss, this cannot happen" he looked down as his food to hide his emotions. I was hurt but I agreed I worked to hard to get ridiculed now.
"I agree sir I will leave after breakfast" I smiled a fake smile as he looked at me. I looked down to eat the amazing food he had cooked. The rest of the meal we sat in silence, once I was done I headed to his room to grab my clothes and headed for the shower. The warm water awoke me to the reality of the situation 'i had slept with my boss'.
I got out of the shower and changed into yesterdays clothes, used some mouthwash to get rid of morning breath before heading downstairs.
"Hello Miss James" misha smiled. "I'm here to take you to your car".
"Thank you Mr collins,I mean misha" I said thankful that I didn't have to walk there.
"I will see you at work monday Miss james, as everyone has today off" Liam smiled awkwardly.
"Yes sir, thank you" I stated heading to the door. The friday after a bored meeting everyone had off to relax before the next company request.
Misha held the door open for me as I climbed into the car, closing it behind me, he then walked round to his side. Starting the car he asked if I there was any songs I'd like to listen to. We decided to just pick a random numbers on the radio and listen to the songs the station played. Jason marz "I'm yours" started playing and we sang the whole way to the office.
I thanked misha for the ride as I got out and headed to my car, he waited for me to pull out of the car park before leaving.
I knew sam would have a lot of questions.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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