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As soon as you walked into the closet you know things weren't the same. Instead of a musty old closet you were in a grand egyptian palace what surprised you the most is that Seto in egyptian styled clothes stood in the middle of the hall smiling. "Seto?" You ask confused still standing there feeling lost. He gave a smile so sad it broke your heart, he walked up to you putting your hands in his. "my sweet beautiful______" he murmurs "you will never truelly know who I am but I will always love you through the eyes of my host". You blush slightly Seto loved you? and what did he mean by through the eyes of my host? "You aren't really the Seto I know are you" you say softly. "no i am not" other Seto says, putting a lock of your____ hair behind your ear. Your skin buzzes where his fingers brushed leaving you with goose bumps. "I don't have much time left with you my dessert flower so please while you are still I beg you to give me one kiss". You eye Setos 2 face filled with so much compassion and love the you soon find yourself lost in his kiss. Your eyes close and when you open them again your standing in the closet. Opening the door you spot Seto sitting on the couch with his usual scowl, you could never look at him the same again. Glancing around you hear three faint words in the breeze 'i love you'.

Seven Minutes in Heaven with Yugioh characters.Where stories live. Discover now