Dark Magician

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   You hadn't picked out a color. It was a card. Specifically the duel monster Dark Magician. Okay then. You turned around with a confused look on your face. "Yugi um why is this in there?". Yugi looked up with a huge smile. "well I always note how you uh look at my magician when he's on the field" your face heat up like crazy. "so we decided to use the magic of the millennium items to bring him to life, he used to be a real person you know" Yugi continued on unaffected. Your eyes widened in surprise, you didn't know that. "what? Really?". "ya his name was Mahad and he was a sorcerer for Atem when he was still a pharoah but while he was in a duel with Bakura he turned himself into dark magician to save Atem". Wow. You sighed dreamily. "well?" Yugi asked "do you want seven minutes with him?". "more then anything!!!". Almost running into the closet, you paced around and waited. Suddenly there was a bright flash of light and when you opened your eyes again the one and only stood or rather floated Infront of you. Eyes meeting yours, smiling. "Hello_____" his voice had this sort of echo to it making him a hell lot sexier. "y-you know my name?" You stammered, rubbing your arms. He laughed a beautiful laugh "yes I do you are shall I say, my number one fan you call it these days?". A rosy blush filled your cheeks "ya well you are a pretty awesome duel monster". Dark-er Mahad cocked his head to the side but said nothing. "why did you do it?" You blurted out "why did you sacrifice yourself?". Mahad raised his head "because my king would do the same for me". Aww Atem and Mahad sounded so loyal to each other. "3 minutes!!!" Tea yelled. No,no,no you need more time, you need to kiss. Mahad flashed another smile "what I will do next is going to be very un-gentalman like but it'll be worth it". "what are you.." he cut you off by pressing his lips against yours. You were shocked, unsure of what to do next. Hesitantly draping your arms around his neck you pulled him closer and kissed back. When he pulled away you were both grinning. "next time I'm played I'll look for you in the crowd" and then he was gone. Poof. The door opened and everyone gave you curious looks, well except for Yugi he was grinning like an idiot. It was creepy.

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