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Alright ____you are going to do this you are going to go in there and embarrass yourself your brain whispered. Your opinion is not welcome shut up mind. Who are you kidding you were nervous as hell, even though Mai made you do this every time you came together with friends you still couldn't get used to always going into the closet and kissing some random guy. Slipping into the closet you prayed it wasn't going to be Jaden. Now that would be weird and awkward. A crack of the door opened and in popped....Damm it not enough light to see who it was. "Who the hell is in here the amazing Chazz demands to know" the guy ordered. Your heart flip flopped in your chest. Chazz. The Chazz Princeton was in here with you. "um it's ______" you said with a slight stammer. A moment of silence before "_____? As in the _____ _____the girl with the beautiful smile". You blushed a little "um yes to the first two not sure about the last one though". "pfft then you don't know anything, your smile lights up the room and gives me...wait why am I telling you this?" "Because you like her boss!! Remember you always talk about her and once even said her name in your sleep" A voice called from the outside of the closet. "SHUT UP!!!" Chazz yelled, then to you "their lying I never mumble your name in my sleep or talk about you or dream about becoming your boyfriend or hate it when you talk to other guys". Even with barley any light you could see his eyes widen and watch him slap a hand over. "forget everything you heard the Chazz demands it". A light blush crept up your neck and a smile smile toyed at your lips, was it possible that Chazz...liked you? "Umm sure Chazz" you mumbled, you bit your lip, a little nervous. "I wish you didn't do that" he groaned, "what?" You frownd, "bite your lip", "why?" This was just plain confusing. "uhhhhhh becauseilikeyouandiwannakissyouandwhenyoubiteyourlipitsjustsodammtempting".  You Blinked "what?", He let out an annoyed sigh "fine of I can't tell you I'll show you". And with that he attacked your lips with his. A blush spread over your cheeks, why? You don't know. Hesitantly you draped. Your arms around his neck and his hands went around your waist, pulling you closer and deepening the kiss. Then there was a blinding light and everyone stood there looking at you, wide eyed and open mouthed. Chazz tightened his grip on your waist and glared at everyone "just to let you know this sexy woman is MY girlfriend and if any of you make a move on her I will see to it that you die". And with that he picked you up bridal style and carried you out of the room.

Seven Minutes in Heaven with Yugioh characters.Where stories live. Discover now