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Dedicated to @Rubimune sorry I'm such a slow updater.
With your hands in the back pockets you made your way over to the closet while whistling a merry tune on the way. Your fingers closed on the brass door nob which turned and opened easily. Blowing your bangs out of your eyes you walked into the closet with a slight skip in your step. Darkness envelopes you as the door closes behind you. Letting out a sight you sit down on the floor only to instantly get bored. So out of pure boredom you began kicking the wall with your right foot. Whoever was mystery man sure was taking his time coming in here. "Any day now!" You yelled punching the wall once. There were some muffled laughs and voices before the door slowly opened and someone shuffled in. "About time" you muttered, rolling your eyes, "sorry" squeaked an oddly familiar voice. "Wait Syrus?" You guessed. He laughed nervously "surprise". You stood up brushing the dust off your jeans and felt for his hair before ruffling it. Still as soft as ever. "Sorry about my attitude earlier" you apologized "I get bored easily". "Are you bored now?" Came his voice a hint of panic in it. "No" you reassured. His shoulders relaxed and he asked "so how's it going y/n?" You raised a brow "really your going to ask me that?" "W-what's wrong with that?" He stammered. "Oh you know I just assumed we'd be doing other things" you traced the outline of his jaw line. "Like what?" He squeaked. "How about I show you?" You offered. He said nothing. Placing a hand on either side of his head you leaned down and pressed your lips against his. He stood there momentarily frozen before placing shy hands on your waist. You smiled against his lips and ran your fingers through his blue hair. It felt like you'd just started kissing when the door opened. Jaden let out a whistle "never thought you'd get a girlfriend being as shy as you are". Syrus instantly turned a bright shade of red "she's not my" "well he did" you cut in giving his hand a squeeze. Syrus looked momentarily spurprised before giving you a wide smile.

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