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It has been forever since I updated this book, it's like I forgot about, whoops but in my defence o have other books to write chapters on, however I am going to try to Finnish all requests I have as of the moment and then close requests. Also this chapter is dedicated to all of my readers who have been with me since the beginning, I love you all.

   "Into the closet y/n" Jaden cheered "and I'll see you on the other side" he then wagged his eyebrows at you suggestively. "W-what?" You stammered turning a bright red. "Kidding" he laughed "but seriously, in you go". You let out a sigh of relief and calmly walked towards the closet, slipping inside quietly. Darkness covered you like a blanket and it was strangely comforting. You sat down, legs crossed and leaned your head back against the wall. A few moment later the door slowly opened and a spikey haired boy stepped into the crowded room. Now the only problem was that over half the guys had spikey hair so it was difficult deciding who it was. "Y/n?" He asked hesitantly, you furrowed your eyebrows "ya and you are.....?"  "It's Deva(is that how it's spelt?)" came his reply, your heart did happy somersaults in your rib cage. "Hi, I'm sitting on the floor" you smiled, even if he probably couldn't see it. A second later he was sitting beside you. "So how's it going?" You made small talk. He was silent for a moment "do, do you want the truth?" He asked in a small voice. You cocked your head "well I guess it would be better than a lie"  "well then horrible, everything is horrible" he whispered. "What's wrong?" You asked concerned. "I-I messed up so bad with everything, almost destroying the world we live in and everyone is acting like it never happened, like I was never a monster that took their souls, like everything is fine, but it's not, they should hate me, you should all hate me". Your face went from concerned to angry "we all make mistakes Deva, we're humans and we sure as hell aren't perfect so don't you go around thinking so low of yourself because you know what Bakura almost did almost the exact thing as you did and he's still our friend, Marik had a totally insane and evil side of him that he kept inside and he's still with us, Raphael, Valon and Alistor were once controlled by the orichalcos and took people's souls because they thought what they were doing was right and look at them now, we're all a little fucked up Deva, it's just who we are". Devas eyes were wide when you had finished your speech, mouth open but nothing coming out. "You need to let go of these dangerous thoughts of the past Deva and grasp for the future or it might just break you" you murmured I mean just look at me I (insert some sort of tragic story) but I got over it and im getting stronger every day". Deva cast his eyes to the dusty floor before raising back to your face. His eyes searched yours for a second before he grabbed your chin and captured your lips with his. It took a while before you got over your shock and finally kissed the beautiful boy back. There were no fireworks as always said in books. It was a kiss filled with passion and silent grieve as he thanked you for the inspiring speech. Sadly that inspiring speech had taken up most of your time and the door flew open to s few tear stained faces. "We heard your speech y/n" Tea sobbed into Yugis shoulder "and, and" she then proceeded to cry. You looked up at Devas handsome face and offered him a small smile as he gently guided you to the couch where you stayed and cuddled the whole night. 
  One down and like ten more to go, bear with me guys. Haha bear🐻

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