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Here ya go Amygonsales01 the Mahad chapter that I've promised you. This is set in ancient Egyptian times by the way. Hope you enjoy!

  "What did you say this game was called again?" The Pharaoh asked, finger absentmindedly fumbling with the strings of his millennium puzzle.
"I'm calling it...Seven Minutes in Heaven" I exclaimed proudly, a wide grin adorning my face.

"And why exactly are we playing it?" Priest Seto huffed in annoyance "if you can't already tell I am an extremely busy ma-"
"Live a little" Atem rolled his violet eyes, jabbing the brunette in the ribs.
"Of course your highness" the man instantly agreed.

"Can we just start already?" Mana whined impatiently, feet kicking back and forth where she sat.
"Y/n can go first, this is her game after all" the high priest gave me a stubborn look, arms folded across his chest.
"An excellent idea Seto" the King beamed, already outstretching his hand that contained the head topper.

I grumbled to myself as I begrudgingly dipped my finger into the opening, fumbling around for a single slip of paper. I retracted my arm and squinted at the best handwriting.

If nothing lasts forever
Will you be my Nothing?

I let out a squeal of happiness, hugging the paper to my chest.
"This is what I'm talking about" I exclaimed, smiling like never before "this is how it should go, now what gentleman put this in here?, notice how I said gentleman Seto".
The brunette allowed his scowl to grow deeper, if that was even possible of course.

"That would be me My Lady" a smooth voice Inserted his first word of the evening.
I turned left, taking in the sight of Mahad, one of the pharaohs most trusted advisors.
"I'm glad to see that you like it" the man gave a polite smile, extending his arm "now shall we go in?" 

In a slight daze I only managed to nod, still in awe that I was lucky enough to get him. I looped my arm through his and allowed him to guide me into a storage compartment. It was filled, and I mean filled, with jewels and other valuables. I covered my mouth with my hand and tried to hold in a gasp.

"I forgot we had this room" Mahad mumbled under his breath, arm still linked with mine.
"You mean to say that this" i gestured to all around me "is not important?" 
The tall man shrugged his broad shoulders.
"Not really".
I resisted the urge to smack him in the face with one of those golden head dresses.

"Anyway" Mahad clapped his hands together "let us not get distracted by what's not of value and focus on you".
"Me?" I furrowed my eyebrows in a confused manor.
"Of course" he offered me a smile "your important".
A blush rose to my cheeks and I quickly tried to cover it up with my hands.

His deep chuckle filled the room and gentle finger pried my hands away.
"Don't" he smiled again "you look beautiful like that".
I tried to say thank you but I came out in a mumble and inaudible.
My chin raised and I hesitantly cast a look at the handsome man in front of me.

He leaned slightly forward, eyes hovering on my lips.
"My Lady?" He murmured "permission to kiss you?" 
"Yes" I breathed, eyes fluttering shut.
Seconds later a pair of warm lips met mine, arms slipping around my waist, pulling me closer and ridding the space between us. 

A warm feeling shot up my spine, spreading through my whole body and enclosing me with what felt like a hug. I raised my arms and wrapped them around Mahads neck, finger slipping underneath his head dress and running through his hair. A low groan escaped his lips which he instantly acknowledged by pulling back, a deep blush erupting on his cheeks.

"Apologies" he mumbled embarrassed, fingers tangling together, eyes staring at the ground.
A giggle burst from my lips.
"It's fine, at least your enjoying the kiss right?" 
A slow smile curled onto his lips, his blush still a little evident.
"I suppose so but still it's a rude noise that shouldn't be made in front of a la-"

I cut him off by mashing our lips together again, ignoring the noises of protest he made. He didn't push me away though, rather he pulled me closer and deepened the kiss. So engrossed with our kiss we didn't even notice when the door was suddenly opened.

"Ooh la la" someone whistled.
We instantly pulled away from each other red face and stammering.
The pharaoh grinned at us with raised eyebrows.
Mahad stumbles over his words trying to explain what was going on while simply smiled at him and shook my head amused. 


I honestly really enjoyed writing this one, Mahad is just on point👌
I suppose I'll see you all next week again.

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