Rainy Afternoon

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I do not own Life is Strange or any of its characters, I'm just extremely and unequivocally gay for Chloe.

   You and Chloe left the diner as it started to drizzle, the clouds rolling overhead with thunder. You waved goodbye to your foster parents as you walked to a beat-up looking truck, which you assumed was Chloe's. She removed a key from her pocket and proceeded to shove it mercilessly inside the lock on the door, and you involuntarily winced. 

   "Chloe... I don't think that's a go-" The key snapped inside the lock with a sharp pang that froze you both as the rain started to come down. A crack of thunder rumbled as Chloe loosed a string of curses, kicking the door of the car. She grabbed your hand, much to your surprise, and proceeded to run at full speed, dragging you along.

   "Come on! We're gonna get drenched standing here!" She shouted as the rain poured down harder and harder. The two of you ran down through the town, laughing as you were drenched in the pouring rain. Soon you arrived at what you assumed to be Chloe's house. She opened the door and went inside, and you followed although somewhat awkwardly. 

   You bumped right into her however, as she had stopped in the doorway. 

   "We don't want to track water in, do we?" She asked over her shoulder, and you shook your head. You didn't want to make a mess for anyone to have to clean up. Just as you pondered how you were going to get through the house when you were both utterly soaked, It seemed Chloe had beaten you to it. Kicking her shoes off in the corner, she peeled the sopping tank top from her skin, exposing the black bra she wore beneath. Your cheeks brightened, your eyes the size of watermelons as you struggled to formulate words into a complete sentence. The outcome being a few muttered squeaks.

   "I...You...Shirt...off...uh..." You muttered, avoiding looking at her, your face 50 shades of red. She turned around to face you, mere inches from you as the two of you tried to keep on the doormat. "Huh? Oh come on, I don't see any other way, besides, what's the big deal?" She shrugged as she unbuttoned her jeans, shimmying them down to her ankles revealing her orange palm tree panties. 

   You blushed further and gulped before tugging at the hem of your waterlogged flannel and pulled it over your head of H/L H/C locks, exposing your F/C bra. You avoided meeting Chloe's eyes as you unbuttoned your shorts and dropped them down to your ankles, revealing your F/C panties, and stepping out of them. When you looked back up at Chloe, you found her staring at you, and you blushed further, bending down and picking up your sodden clothes. You held them in front of you as though they were a shield to hide behind. 

  Chloe grabbed her own clothes and waved you up the stairs and to the first door on the right. The two of you entered, and she threw her clothes on the floor without a care. There were similar piles of clothes lying on the floor, mostly around the bed, which was centered on the back wall behind a massive wall flag over the window streaming light from the sunset into the room. Chloe collapsed onto the bed, hands behind her head. You just kind of stood there awkwardly, before she noticed you standing there.

   "Come on, relax dude." She said, patting the spot on the bed beside her. You hesitated, but walked over, laying down beside her. "So." She said, turning onto her side to look you in the eyes. "What's your story, Y/N L/N?" 

   You blushed, looking at her. "It's a long story..." 

    "I've got time." She replied, smiling slightly. 

   Why not, you thought? 

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