Well... That Didn't Last Long..

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I do not own Life Is Strange or any of its characters, I'm just- you know what? You get it. Enough said. 

      You avoided going back to your room for a few days, knowing Chloe was likely to stick around, Nathan letting you sleep on his futon. Finally, on a Friday afternoon, you said goodbye to Nathan and went back to your own dorm. 

      You opened the door cautiously, expecting to find Chloe waiting for you, but breathed a sigh of relief when the door swung open to reveal your room empty of company. You plopped down on your bed and laid there for a moment, staring at the ceiling.

      "Am I-.. Can I come in?" 

      You bolted up, turning to see Chloe standing in the doorway, a cigarette in hand. You scowled and turned away from her. "No." 

      She sighed, and you heard her walk in anyway, her boots clomping loudly on the hardwood floor. You turned around, mere inches away from her now. You looked up at her and glared with all the venom you could muster. 

      "What part of 'no' don't you understand? Get out of my room before I call security." She shook her head. "You wouldn't call my step-douche. I know you, Y/N."

      Your glare hardened. "Really? You know me? Alright, well why don't you tell me all about myself then! Go on, I want to hear what I am to you." 

     Chloe glared right back. "You don't want to play this game with me, N/N." 

      "I'm waiting." You spat, at which she shook her head and crushed what was left of her cigarette into the tray on the bedside table.

      "Alright, fine. Y/N you are the most tragic thing I have ever seen. You follow all the rules like a good little girl. You have no friends beside a mentally ill sociopath and a punk ass loser. You were a virgin before you met me. You're paranoid about everything. You're afraid to try anything even the least bit daring, because you're afraid you're going to turn out like your bum parents. You're afraid one day you're going to look in the mirror and see your drug-addicted, alcoholic, incarcerated real parents , staring back at you!" What started as a normal tone of voice grew into shouting as her accusations grew. 

      "Don't. Don't you dare." You hissed, jabbing a finger at her. "Don't you dare use them against me. I told you my past and I told you in confidence. You want to throw it in my face? Well I know you, Chloe. I know that you are nothing. You are nothing but a- a child! You live in the past. You want everything to be better, when it's not! You want to throw my parents in my face? Chloe you want your father back so much, but that's never going to happen. You can smoke, and do drugs, and fuck whoever you want to distract you from this hell you think you're living in, but the fact remains that he's dead, and he's not coming back." 

      "Ugh- You little- You- fuck!" She shouted as she kicked the table sending ash tumbling to the floor. "Fuck you, Y/N."

      "You used to, before you decided to shove your head up your ass." You glared, at which she stepped closer to you. 

      "You fast talking-"

      "Gutter mouthed-" You retorted.




      "Obnoxious-" As the distance between you closed, Chloe captured your lips ferociously, threading her fingers through your hair. You groaned and kissed back equally forceful, grabbing her waist and pulling her into you. She pulled away before pushing you onto your bed and recapturing your lips, grabbing the string beside the headboard and yanking it, closing the blinds on your window. 


      A while later you woke up with a groan, your whole body sore. You sat up in bed and looked around rubbing your eyes, before glancing down and noticing your significant lack of clothing. You looked beside you, and to your dismay, set eyes upon one sleeping and noticeably naked as well, Chloe. 

      You sighed and ran a hand through your hair, slowly laying back down and staring at the ceiling. "Shit.." 

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