What... Are We?

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I do not own Life is Strange or any of it's characters. And I'm not gonna say it. Nope. 

      "Shit shit shit shit shit... This is not good..." You mumbled to yourself, pacing around your room. Your clothes had all but disappeared, so you were reduced to nothing but your under garments. 

      You paused and pinched the bridge of your nose, running a hand through your hair. "What is wrong with me?" 

      "Having fun over there, N/N?" 

      You whipped around to see Chloe sitting up in bed, grinning at you. You frowned and walked over, crossing your arms. "Get out." 

      She feigned hurt. "Ouch. Not even a 'good morning'?" 

      You held firm, staring her down. "Get-" She cut you off, reaching up and gently kissing you. You started to melt, kissing back, before you regained a hold on yourself. You pulled away, backing up and turning away from her. "Get. Out." You said, your voice sharp as a razors edge. 

      You heard the sheets rustle and her feet on the hardwood floor, you waited anxiously for the sound of the door to close behind her. Instead you felt her arms wrap around your waist, her body pressed against your back, her head resting on your shoulder. You held your breath, tensing up. 

      Chloe placed small kisses on your neck and shoulder, and you bit your lip. "Y/N." 

      You held perfectly still, tensed and confused. You didn't know what was going on on, what the hell you and Chloe even were. "What.." You said, shaking, deciding to give her one chance. 

      "Look at me please.." She asked, turning you around to face her, you kept your eyes squarely on her face, afraid if you looked down at her you wouldn't be able to stop what came next. You looked up into her eyes and waited for what she had to say. 

      "I'm sorry."

      That took you by surprise. Your eyes widened, and your brow furrowed. "What?"

      "I'm sorry. For everything I've done to you, everything I've put you through. And I'm sorry I was so rough earlier..." She trailed off, running her thumb gently over a large bruise on your shoulder. You hadn't actually noticed before, too busy panic about waking up next to her, but looking now you were covered in similar bruises and even a few bite marks and scratches. 


      "And- look, I'm not good at this whole apologizing thing. I just- I want you to know that you're not like the others.. You're not just passing the time.. I want you.. and, I want to be with you. If you'll have me.." She said, and you stared up at her. 

      "I.. I need some time to think Chloe... About-.. everything.." You said, pursing your lips. She nodded, kissing you on the the cheek before walking over and fishing her clothes out from under the bed, getting dressed and finally leaving your room. 

      You walked over and sat on your bed, contemplating everything. 

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