Part 1. Worse Birthday Ever.

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I was staring out the window. Listening to the stupid gossip from the teacher, which was lame. Watching the cherry blossoms on the lovely pink tree on the property, float their mini heart shape leaves, gliding through the wind. The sun was out, and bright. Not a single cloud in sight.

A smile appeared on my face when I thought about something special when I get home. Maybe a cake. Covered in chocolate frosting, and with angel food cake flavor inside. Maybe a few candles here and there. Maybe a huge present wrapped up in colorful paper. I gave myself a small giggle.

Then the school bell rung, and I rushed out of it. Everyone wearing their plain white shirts, along with, blue ties that were knotted correctly for the girls and the same for the boys. But in red. Plaid blue skirts that was bout 2 inches below the girls finger tips, and some wore special types of leggings. I glanced down at mine. Black, that was knee high along with black shoes. Men wore black pants. They are just like jeans, but black.

I headed down to the garden. Which is in the green house. Which grew alot of lovely plants. All sorts like, Roses, Daisys, Sunflowers, Vines, Blueberries, and so much more. At least 2 of every fruit and vegitable. I grabbed a green, plastic watering can and grabbed a small ladder, and climbed up.

Reaching over and poured the water down onto the plants. Like a morning shower for all the flowers and other plants. Being in the hot green house. Was a lovely place. Then a small giggle came from the back. Where a small group of kids go there and study and drink tea.

I headed back there and peeked over a thorn bush. All the Student Government's was there chatting, and sipping there china glasses filled with green tea. I ducked down and sat there to hear them. They mostly have very intresting conversations. But then all their glasses went, a little clonk noise against their tea plates.

"What are you doing here. Explain your buisness" asked a curiously, unjudgement Student President.

I felt my heart stop a beat. Have I  been spotted. I have to get out, before they spot me fully. Before I am called the worse kid in school. Which isn't on my agenda at the moment.  So I got onto my knees and started to crawl away.

"Im here on buisness" was another, yet it was one I didn't know

I paused. It was a deep, and scratchy voice. It sounded like he was serious.. So I crawled to behind a row of plants that was on a table. Luckily, I was behind a wall underneathe it.

"What kind of buisness" repeated again, though with a little anger behind it

"A personal buisness. Thats all. 1..2..3.. theres 6 of you guys correct?" As he spoke, the deep voice of his rising a little

"No.. Theres only 5. Why?" Asked the female Treasurer.

I heard a chuckle, and all the china glasses broke, shattering against the ground. Which echoed through the green house. Making me jump, covering my mouth in time, so I wouldnt be exposed. The glasses that fell on the ground, wasn't a good sound to hear, nor.. a good sign.

"Heh?? I might'va miss counted then. Well my job will be easier then"

"Job? What job?"

I heard a small blade noise, coming out of its holder and many of the Student Governments voice's go into shock. An insane laughter coming from the area. Which rises within a few seconds

"Oh? You know.. my job.. You guys are such horrible, bullies.. "

"Bullies?? Ooh.. Haha your Jeffery Woods, that explains a whole heck alot when your outfit completely changed. "

Then I heard the table get knocked down and it vibrated on the ground. A sudden girgling sound, and a few of the girls screaming. I hurried along the side of the wall, and hide under the nearby table and closed the table cloth, though it was thick, I wouldn't be able to be seen, so I would be hidden. Then a pair of feet stop right in front of the table.

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