Part 4. Shopping Spree

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Kates P.O.V.

Today I ignored my alarm clock on accident. Today I was supose to meet up with Chelsy, Amber and Natie. My girl friends needed a day from stress and they all brought their boy friends and I am singled out and I placed on my jeans and a short sleeved shirt, dark jacket and my back pack and headed out. I walked there of course. But well, who can blame me. I live in the middle of the woods. Theres not a road to drive on. I stuck my hands into my pockets as I try to keep them warm.

30 mins later~

I walk to a platform onto a shopping mall as I am shivering and cold as I head inside. The warm breeze heating me in the face feels nice. I took my hands out of my pockets and rubbed them together and walked around near the entrance. Went to a cafe and bought my self some coffee to keep my hands warm and my insides. And bought my self a new set of gloves and a hat that could cover my ears and slipped them on, once I bought them. I sat down at a bench and waited.

After finishing my coffee I got up and tossed it in the trash and unzips my jacket so I can release some heat and leaned against the railing, resting my head on my hand as I stared down at the skaters. Mostly like 45 kids were going on it. Well I havent seen anyone- nope. A guy in a dark brown hoodie slipped while trying to skate, with the girl on his side.

"Well.. at least Im warm and safe"

I continued to watch them as I get a nonfuction from my watch and I got a mini message saying: "Srry Katy! We couldnt make it, I promise Ill bring it up to you -C" I tapped on it and stuck my hands in my pockets and wondered around. Maybe I will spend some time alone. And clear my head.

I walked into a weapons place and looked around it and seeing all sorts of weapons. Guns, swords and gernades, and anything dangerious. I glanced down at the glass contanier, which had a sensor, so I was careful. Maybe.. just maybe.. but I dont have a lisense. I walked out and walked into a library.

Books stacked up high was all sorts of amazing colors. And covered with words. I went over to the kids area and glanced around.

"Sally loves books. Right? So Ben, .. can read them?"

I looked around and found a horror book, with cool pictures. But not disturbing and bought it. R.L Stine made a comment on it, while the actual Aurther, who created the book. "Shadow house" was a pretty book to read. And its perfect for Sally. I walked out of there and waved good bye to the cashier lady. And thought bout anything else. Hmm.. I sat down on a bench and layed down. My eyes started to droop as I tried to fight it.

"Got..ta. stay awake.. "

I sat up and stood up. To keep myself from waking and I saw a arcade. Bingo! A place where you can clear your head. I walked in and stench of sweat and anger sworn over the place. And I walked over to the cashier, gave him $10 bucks and he gave me 200 tokens and I walked over to the racing one and saw it was occupided and placed a quarter on it. 

"I claim next game"

"Shoot it kid, we are gonna be on these til closing, go play a different game"

"No, your not my father, or mother, now I call next game."

I saw him turn his head towards me. He had a peirced lip with a red lip ring, one of his nose and a black beanie. His eyes were hazel brown and and dark brown hair. He smirked as he saw me, pausing his game.

"What do you know. Its a girl. Disobeying my orders. No one every does. Do you know why?"

He stands up and walks towards me and I back up into a wall, into a corner. I pushed him away and ran out of the acrade, deep breaths and resting a hand on the wall, and one my knee. Out of breath.. I know.. not athletic. But in reality. Im pretty athletic, but.. when my heart starts acting up, it hurts.. hearing groaning and snickering behind me. I found myself in the middle of a 6 person gang. All from the front of the lane and the behind.

"Well, if it isnt that same lady at the acrade.. its strange meeting u here. "

The guy in the peircings came and walked right in front if me where I saw his Neon White Jordans with a strip of red bottoms. Grabbing my chin and making it face him he grips my neck on the other hand and puts me in a choke hold up in the air and rams me into a wall so he can have more stableity. Digging my nails through the gloves which never came, doesnt help.

Jeffs P.O.V.

"Hey, yea. Maybe, but tell us, Jeffery, do you really like Kate?" Toby asked as he held more tighter on his bag.

A light faded of pink appeared on my cheeks and scratches my head.

"M..maybe I do.."

They soon appear near the group. They all are surrounding a person in a group. They were all snickering and then Jack tapped my shoulder.

"Jeff.. do you know whats happening.."

"No.. I dont sorry.. " They walk passed as I over hear them talking and choking.. a female voice.. you got to be kidding me, men are ganging up on a girl.

"Jeff? Who the fuck is that, bitch? No one is gonna save you here. Its your fault. You shouldnt have insulted us- did you just spit on me!"

I see him yank the girl off the wall into the ground as I catch a glimpse of her. She had tears in her eyes, they were overflowing and I handed my bag to Jack or Toby randomly and rushed into the crowd and grabbed a fist of his hair and and kneeled him right there. His grip around her throat losen as I hear familiar voice as a groan and I glanced down.

It was Kate. I hurriedly picked her up bridel style and signaled Jack and Toby to rush over and they got the idea and hurried. I stared down at her in my arms. She was having a tight grip on her chest, where her heart was and she was trembling. As she was a vibrating teddy bear.

"Jack, something  is wrong. Whats wrong?!" As I panicked. And he rushed over ripped off her jacket and lifted her shirt up and toby circled around so no one would see but has his back against us, seeing her black laced bra cover her breast was a wayyy different idea or thought. I mean. Jack couldve placed his ear on her chest just like that but.. he was a doctor and pressed up against it with his ear. Making his eyes face under her neck and letting out a sigh.

"Scared. Heart panicking. " he says after setting her shirt down and rushing over to a store buying an icepack and water and rushes back. "Here, she needs this to gain everything back"

Jeff took the bottle opened it, and lifted her head up a bit and poured a small amount in her mouth and she swallowed it without hesitation. Her breathing calmed down and looks like she is back to normal. Asleep. I setted her on my back and felt her chest being pressed up against my back but Jack and Toby smiled and walked along side me.

"She seems fine now.. but, that bag. Its a book. Wonder who its for"

"Yea.. lets just get home."

When they got home

I setted Kate down in bed and covered her up in the blanket. After taking the jacket off of her. I was bout to leave when I feel my jacket get tugged gently. I glanced behind me to see Kate still asleep and she is holding my jacket.

"S.... Im.. scared .. "

I smiled and turned around and crawled in bed with her. She moves closer laying her head on my chest and her body relaxes. I smiled even more when I grab a small strand of her hair and play with it.

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