Part 6. Boys can be maids? Who knew?

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The next day~~~~~

Kate P.O.V.

I am stuck doing the cleaning today. Since I was sick yesterday. Jeff gotten my cold. And Jack ((EJ))  is taking care of him. Which isnt fair~. Well he said something like ill dress up as a nurse and cure him all up and then I thought what he ment. And then I pushed the image out of my head. Jeff wouldnt want that. So I got onto my kneels and rolled up my sleeves, dumped the blue sponge into the soapy water bucket and started the scrubbing the hard ward floor.

I just finished. And so did the gang. Everyone leaving a trail of mud and I toss a spong at Tobys head and he stops, glancing at me. And then stops the rest. I tapped my foot on the ground with my arms crossed and they gave me their full attention and I walked up to them.

"Get into a line"

"Kate we are kinda bus-"

"Stand. In. A. Line." I demanded and all four of them got into a line and I went to get some supples and returned with two bins and I walked up to Toby.

"Shoes. Off. "

He listens.

"Gloves, weapons, mask, anything that brings dirt onto this floor gimme"

Toby getting the idea. He lets out a sigh and takes off his mask, revealing his face and hair. Took off hid gloves and handed them to me and his weapon and all he stood was in his jeans, socks and normal clothing. And I placed them a foot in front of him. And did it to the rest. Masky, hoodie, and even Slendy, who was shocked at my expression. Placed them a foot in each of them and I walked to a trash bin and brought it with me and stood in behind it. And stood in front of Toby.

"Toby, toss this pile.. into here"

"What! Why! This is my personal items! You cant tell me to toss them out!"

I stayed silent and stood there, and then he gave up, kneeled down and tossed them in the trash, and took his step back, his head lowered. And I repeated to everyone as Jeff walks by with a ice pack on his head and in normal clothing and gives out a chuckle and all four of them gave him a finger to the lips from their veiw and telling him to leave. And I turned around and spots him as he left a mess of water behind him. As he just hot out of the shower.

"Jeff. Come line up with the rest of them"

"But Im still sick-"

"Then you wouldnt be out of bed. Lets go"

I dragged him next to toby and moved the trash can away from them and moves another bin in front of me.  I pull out a maids outfit and puts it up against Jeff and hands it to him and along with Toby, Masky, Hoodie, and Slendy. I turned my back against them.

"U got a min to change. 60.. 59.. 58.."

"WHAT! I dont wanna wear-"

"46.. 45.. 43.."


"Toby, just shut the fuck up. She is making time go down faster" Jeff resolves.

"If you guys dont get that suit on. Ill will burn ur things. I will without hesitation. 20.. 19.. 18"

I turned around and saw them all in the outfit and their facial expressions are so red even Jeffs scare was completely hidden. I handed them all rubber yellow gloves and sponges and mops snd brooms and wash bins.

"Since you 5 brought dirt and water to this floor I just cleaned up. Right before you trashed it. You guys are gonna help clean. And of course. Its not as easy. Reclean this floor"

They all nodded and rushed around the place and I stood in the same spot watching them.

Tobys P.O.V.

"Jeff.. I think.. we dont wanna get any more mud in this house.. espically if shes here.."

"I agree.. Shes kinda scary this way. Not only that. Whats with the outfits"

"Well.. shes wearing one to maybe Sally forced- Oh no. If Sallt saw us"

"We'll be dress up dolls"

5 hours later

Everyone. Was soo tired. Of cleaning the same floor over and over again. We got told our lesson. No bringing dirt into the house.

"You may have your things back"

I heard that and was revealed. I got my things back and placed them on.

"Dont do it again" she demanded.

"Yes mada'm." We repeated. And she shooed us off.

Never getting on her side again.

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