Part 11: Death... was my enemy

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I kept staring at the tv. There was nothing to watch. Litterally. I shutted the tv off as I rested my head on the couches pillow. The injury on my back was healed, and the memory wipage didnt get wiped. Slendy only told me it was fine and it was just a nightmare. Just like Jeff told me at some nights. Sometimes I have a cuddle buddy named Jeff  he comes and lays with me to get me company.

Sally, was a little girl. She was the queen. I guess you could say. Though, she listens to whatever everyone else says.

I glanced around the room as I spotted a calender as I got up and walked over. Scanning throughout the month. Sally's birthday was in 3 days. My mind went blank as I let out a sigh. I crossed my arms thinking what to get her.

"How bout you bring Death, shopping, and get what sally needed or wanted." Jeff grabs a bowl from the cupbaord pouring cerel into the bowl.

"Then your tagging along, because, 1. I dont want to be kidnapped, 2. I dont wanna be in a fight, 3. I dont wanna be alone. "

"Death isnt just a Teddy bear"

I ended up going alone. I havent met up with the girls in a long time as i held Death in my arms, scanning the mall.

"Death, what would Sally want??  Do you know by any chance"

No response

"Can you talk?"

No response

"Guess it was my mistake to bring you along"

"Hey, its not my fault! Besides, she loves books and teddy bears, how bout we go look for a new body for myself"

"Mind speaking huh?? Anyways.. lets go. She might not want a tearing apart teddy bear, and if she doesnt like it. I can always stitch you back up..."

I returned home and pullednout a sewing kit, sat on the couch, as I placed the braid behind my back as I setted up the needle. And started stitching up Death. I refilled some places of him with stuffing as I spent my time very slowly, very carefully on him.

I walked into the room to see Kate on the couch, paying attention to something soo imporant. I walked up behind her as I peeked over her shoulder, I saw her stitching Death up. Though very carefully, as she only gotten the right foot stitched conpletely up. I watched her bounce up as she sucked on her thumb, and she glanced up, spotting me.

"Its Sallys present. It was Deaths Idea. Maybe she doesnt want him to break anymore apart, or one day be playing and his arm will tear off.  So im stitching him up. "

"I see, everyone is afraid to touch him. Because Sally is afraid of anyone touching her favorite toy. Im surprised she hasnt caught you yet"

I kept watching over her as she was so concentrated on sewing, she forgotten the conversation we had. Sally's birthday was only tomorrow. And Death needed so much more stitching. And Sally was asleep. Only 6 hours before her birthday.

The next day, Sally was searching all over the place for Death, and she walks up to me with tears in my eyes, and I sighed and gave up, held her hand and walked down a hallway.

"Promise you wont get mad"


I opened the door to Kates room, as Sally saw her sleeping with Death in her arms. Sally grew rage, as she had tucked him in next to her, and started to stomp inside but I dragged her out.

"You promised"

"She's asleep with him! How can I not be angery bout this!"

"She hasnt hurt him."

"How would you know!"

"Calm down Sally"


"Sally.. Kate was up all night with Death, making your present"


She bolted down the hallway as I opened my door, rubbing my eyes. Watching Sally run down the hall. Staring at Jeff, who was kneeling down to be her hieght, rubbed his nose bridge.

I saw a blade flying towards me as I ducked down just in time, as she growled and knocked me down, her brown curls, blocking my view, as she sat on my waist, raising a knife, and bringing it down on my wrists mulitple times, grazing them. I was wincing in pain, alongnwith screaming as Jeff and Toby came running, pulling her off of me. As she struggled to fight against them, blood seeping down my arms, as I stood up.


I nodded and takened the blanket off of Death and kneeled down in front of her as I hid him behind my back. She got out of Toby's gripped, stabbed the knife into my shoulder and wiggled it, as I cryed in pain..

"Sally.. stop.. Death is fine.. in fact.. he is happy.. "

She jammed the knife in my shoulder more as Toby tryed getting Sally to lose her grip or try to yank the knife out of my shoulder. I removed Death from behind my back with my oppsite arm, revealing him all stuffed up nicely and stitched. Her sanity returned, as her grip losen as Toby yanked the knife out of my shoulder, Sally grabbing Death into her arms, shedding tears, as I kissed her head, gently. Blood staining her hair, as puddled surrounded me.

"Happy birthday.... Sa..lly.. "

I rushed over to kates side immitately and covered her arms up with the sheets and stuck a sock in her shoulder, picked her up and barged out of the room, scanning for Jack.

"I thought.. she done something horrible to you.. but .. she fixed you up, like no one else has ever before.. yet.. I hurted Kate.. I didnt mean to now.. I feel so much guilt.. "


He popped his head out of the corner of the closet and saw Kate and he lowers his head. Sighing in disbeilf


"I see"

I realised from this day on forth.. never .. ever touch Death from Sally.. ever!

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